
It is not easy to understand the census hysteria that is shaking Montenegrin society

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The specter of the census is circulating in Montenegro...

The census itself is such an event that it should not be burdened with superfluous meanings - a statistical action of the largest scale that gives a (statistical) picture of a society.

The census report is first and foremost, completely personal. ("Personally, quite personally", is the title of one of the greatest poetry books of Montenegrin literature.) Here, "personally" has always been a space that party and national leaders "love". It is as if they are afraid to leave the citizen in front of the mirror for too long, without "supervision". Personally(st) and other demons...

And as such, therefore, the most personal act - the census is a collective statement of citizens - and the real question is what will the parties do? "Organized" political life belongs to them, and the census is, or should be - something completely different. But explain that to Montenegrin politicians of all religions and nations.

It is not easy to understand the census hysteria that is shaking Montenegrin society.

However, two lavish, and so Montenegrin, nonsense stood out. Campaign Ask grandpa and the announcement of a boycott from a once influential party.

What does "asking grandpa" even mean? To believe in some continuity of knowledge that extends through generations? Into a "traditional" given that is only followed, beyond the possibilities of one's own attitude. Why does anyone think "grandpa" knows better?

Just imagine how different you are from your grandfather, or how different are the two Montenegros, yours and your grandfather's? How different are all those numerous variables that form personal identity and identity attitude. Let's say how different is the share of European experience, real and discursive, in your generation and your grandfather's generation. In the end - it's about your identity, which is what grandfather is looking for, with all the respect that venerable antiquity certainly deserves. I guess you yourself know who you are, and grandfather can help you there just as much as asking him about quantum physics.

One could almost say - the one who directs you to ask your grandfather probably thinks that you are small-minded or at least irresponsible. Or, and what is a serious insult in Montenegro - that you don't even know who you are.

Don't people know what they are without this kind of assistance? Do you really think people need this kind of mental drill? The parties here evidently have a very low opinion of the reasoning powers of men. I guess they start from themselves.

Isn't it unworthy, after all, to explain to people what they are? And this type of campaign is just such an underestimation of the citizen's elementary consciousness.

In the list, as in the battle.

The idea of ​​a boycott is just nonsense.

It is not an election, but a statistical ritual that takes place according to certain established procedures.

Why is DPS so concerned about the validity of the census? And why do they believe that the number of national Montenegrins will decrease significantly? Because they are no longer in power? At first they scared people with it, and then it seems they believed it themselves.

Again, they must also start from themselves - a good part of that team changed the nation several times.

The idea of ​​a boycott is, in short, many times stupid.

But, weren't all the national, identity and cultural policies of the flourishing DPS like that - many times stupid and counterproductive.

A good illustration of the destructive effect of that party intelligence is the Montenegrin Orthodox Church - until it was not supported by the DPS, at the beginning of the century, it had the trust of 24 percent of citizens. When DPS decided to interfere in church life and support (create) CPC, trust dropped to a measly 5 percent.

Finally - the only result of such a political action (boycott) would be the reduction of the number of Montenegrins. What is it, how is it War well noticed the trend that characterizes the entire DPS era. In the 1991 census, Montenegrins were slightly more than sixty percent. At the end of their rule, Montenegrins are twenty percent less?

No enemy of Montenegro in history had such a success index.