
Everything fits into this sentence - all of today's Montenegro and its troubles. There is no need for theoretical bravado and exhibitions, this sentence explains the spirit (and action) of the authorities in contemporary Montenegro

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Medenica, Photo: Luka Zeković

I hope they found you on the phone Vesne Medenica, is currently the main (and most sinister) curse among judges throughout Montenegro.

How do they now sort through their memories devastated by their loyalty - what they reported and where, what kind of pranks they "caught" and to whom, to whom and how they reported about the "work done", did they exaggerate in some sms joy?

Aside from all the possible controversies surrounding these messages and the question of whether to publish them or not, the fact is that they effectively reveal how the system really worked. If a lawyer may be interested in whether publication is ethical, a historian is interested in whether it is written/typed - true. So, if they may be a headache for lawyers, these sms messages are a treasure for future historians. They will not need a more precise illustration of how a corrupt system works, survives and endlessly reproduces itself.

You can clearly see that SMS reporting was a kind of social manner in the circles of judicial employees, and that this manner was not disliked by many of them. Like a constant festival of courtship and submission, which presents itself as - professional excellence. Such a society must end in self-parody.

"I like that the Supreme Court knows everything."

Everything fits into this sentence - all of today's Montenegro and its troubles. Theoretical bravado and exhibitions are not needed, this sentence explains the spirit (and action) of the government in contemporary Montenegro.

Montenegrin subject ecstasy. Not only does he think he should, but he "likes" the Supreme Court to know. Belief reinforced by emotion. A question of the heart, clearly... Where are you going next?

While receiving such messages and responding readily, the Supreme Court must see itself as the only guarantor of justice and rights. Hell, she has to take care of everything, it's not easy for her. Well, how to get to those combinations, houses, gifts, I don't know, but that is certainly an important part of the story. And about us, not only about her.

"This is a blessing to everyone. Much more wave and their 'independence'.

The Supreme Court is bothered by anyone's independence, especially when it comes to fellow judges. As expected.

What is the best way to achieve relinquishment of independence?

Precisely because of constant control, which can also be manifested as SMS communication with those who have not agreed, they are basically not carried away by independence.

Simple, right?

Of course, this was not the case only in the judiciary. Therefore, it is not an isolated case, just a judicial deviation, nor is this a consequence of the ambition and will for power of one person, however colorful. This is a model, that is, a part of it that, due to circumstances, has become - visible.

But you can be sure that this method of influencing, creating "events", managing people has marked all segments of society - the economy, politics, even sports, but also culture. How many appointments, awards, statuses, pensions have been "ended" in this or a similar way. Rat channels of a courtly consciousness.

Sometimes, though, it all feels like a page ripped out of some ancient Alan Ford, you have to laugh no matter how gruesome the background of what turns out to be funny. This is what Broja One's messages would look like, if there were mobile phones in the golden age of the TNT group.

Finally, fair rewards. A smile and a compliment: That's how the conscientious work. Both the one who speaks and the one who listens hear what they want, but in fact they clearly know that the meaning of this statement is - this is how the obedient work. Man is a being of self-deception. And he is magnificent at it. Unstoppable, like Months.

But, in addition to these sms and SKY dilettantes, you also have the "old school" - which does not believe in new technologies and unnecessary nonsense... Lomi and Z - only on the fly, with their hands on their necks. We will not read that communication in the newspaper.

If the funniest secret agent in the world doesn't explain what they were not saying, but thinking at that moment.