
When you read this information about the money that goes to the compensation of former officials, what do you think? To the rule of law or to legal robbery? There are elements for both

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Fees, there are millions... Just like trucks used to be. You have to live on something.

Where all the Montenegrins find a way to spill millions... Too bizarre for a movie or a novel (because it's monotonous), maybe the right form is humorous. Short, effective, surprising... With some bitterness. Montenegrin everyday tonic.

When you read this information about the money that goes to the compensation of former officials, what do you think? To the rule of law or to legal robbery? There are elements for both.

It is unlikely that here the state is perceived as a historical mission, in the Hegelian sense, or as the pinnacle of the idea of ​​an organized community. There is some emotion, songs and shooting, nothing more. Here, the state is seen above all as a sacred opportunity to improve one's own (social and financial) circumstances. And all this is always dressed up in exemplary rhetoric of this or that type. Patriotic kitsch.

For example, a critic writes that someone has written a bad book, and is greeted with a label/explanation that it is actually a (well hidden, of course) attack on Montenegro. Nothing less. But how? Should the homeland be an excuse for the illiterate and untalented? Many things can be the homeland, but it certainly isn't. No matter how close to reality such a utility model is.

Let's go back to the "fees", the monetary ones.

It would be quite demagogic to dispute the very idea that state officials receive a salary for some time after the end of their service, after all, the basic intention of such an act is anti-corruption. On the other hand, maybe working in the civil service will help them as a recommendation to find a good job more easily? And that could be a form of "compensation". What time (of receiving compensation) should be, whether the compensation should be equal to the salary, what are the bases for it, all this requires some consideration, analysis, and only then meaningful answers.

But, in a society that traditionally suffers from a lack of debate about anything, especially important things, it is not so simple.

When you see the money that goes to that purpose - you realize that it is the amount that would pay for building a serious hospital, several schools, or solve some infrastructure problem. When it comes to culture, let's say - there would be room for a lavish festival, and maybe a film with a decent European budget?

Of course, you won't see everything counted, because that money goes (also) into the pockets of party fools, paratroopers who flew into incredibly inadequate positions so that the state coffers wouldn't be milked a little more. And all that, on the "internal plan", is presented as - party interest. With a hideous explanation - everyone does it, why should we be fools.

Maybe this is the reason for this state of Montenegro today? I mean that mentality equates being moral with being a fool. That is quite enough to never get out of the deadlock of corruption and hopelessness.

Someone may also find the detail that the "new" governments (also in that segment) exceeded those from the time of the DPS. Who, to be clear right away, installed this fraudulent system, believing that they will rule forever, and that the benefit of such state damage will go only to them, that is, to their pockets. But, that fact cannot be a justification for you to continue using that fraudulent mechanism in exactly that way.

Although I wrote about this earlier, the fact that the main lines of criticism of the DPS government, from the time of the opposition tenure of today's authorities, have been easily forgotten is deeply disturbing. Party recruitment, general milking... all that is still on the scene. Although that model was established by DPS, DPS is no longer responsible for its (even perfected) functioning.

While the fees continue to drip, I wonder if the team that now uses this mechanism, even if in the half-darkness of their own conscience, honestly toasts Đukanović and his party? With a lot of contrite gratitude, of course.