The Swiss

And our lives are Switzerland, for decades... That this is true and on a level that exceeds the metaphorical one, is evidenced by an incredible sentence, one of our refrains, which appeared in SKY correspondence.

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Photo: Sky/Vijesti

"Our lives are - Switzerland", reads the great verse Emily Dickinson, although it is more likely that you are familiar with this verse thanks to To Dean Merlin, who quoted her verse in a popular chorus.

And our lives are Switzerland, for decades... That this is true and on a level that exceeds the metaphorical one, is evidenced by an incredible sentence, one of our refrains, which appeared in SKY correspondence.

In the communication between a certain policeman and a criminal, we read the sentence: "This team - well, to name a few - could lead Switzerland..."

Such a statement is a perfect self-portrait of a so-called elites.

We see how they see themselves. And, if that face looks freaky to you, don't be confused: they are overjoyed. On that face you can see everything that is important to them. This is where beauty comes from, that aesthetic is simple.

When you take everything away and add it up, psychological games and self-deception - what do you have before your eyes? Criminals who rely on politics and the judiciary for their power and politicians who decisively shape their power through the most direct cooperation with crime. Hellish Montenegrin symbiosis bursting with self-satisfaction and accomplishment. (That's probably why the "unrealized" bothered them so much.)

How much screaming self-satisfaction is in that sentence, how this statement is a simple psychological code that opens up a whole perverted world behind it. This sentence offers you to imagine the moment when something like this becomes - sayable. What must happen to you, what did you witness, what did you experience - to think at one moment - just this? In a clear sense: God, how smart and brave we are, we have created a perfect order (and that is the goal of any country, right?), we are impregnable, nobody can do anything to us, this team could lead Switzerland, let alone Black Burning...

In addition to the ordinary policemen/criminals who "make up" the team, this colorful team also includes the current president of the state, a special prosecutor and a well-known entrepreneur (who do not participate in the correspondence). Of course, the address is friendly, by nicknames, but the selector's concept is clear: politics, prosecution and business are desirable partners for leading criminals. People know how to do it. And then, quite naturally, they think: I am not for these two legs... We could lead Switzerland.

For sure. At least they would rest there from those archcriminals from Vijesti.

At the end of the eighties in New Belgrade, in the neighborhood where I lived, there was also a boy, developmentally disabled, as it was said then. In fact, the boy was mostly smiling and silent, and when asked something, he answered extremely honestly. The kids in the block called him the Statesman. Later I understood why. He had a wonderful and dedicated father who often went out with him to socialize him and smooth out his eventual verbal clumsiness. Whenever the boy did something right, his father warmly repeated the same sentence, like a mantra - Jova is excellent, he could lead the country... He is such a cute boy and earned his nickname.

That's why for me, it is the effect of the most personal experience, this sentence is a bit sad. For that soft, considerate southern "Greote".

Let's go back to our Swiss. We see what kind of confusion arises in the minds of criminals who believe that they are also "statesmen". So they were executed in between Hegel i John Gotti.

They really think they could lead Switzerland. Illiterate, uneducated, but - they can do anything. So why shouldn't they, they think, be able to lead Switzerland as well. This attitude is based on a clear belief that education or morality is not a recommendation for running Switzerland (and other countries), on the contrary, they know that it only bothers them. That team certainly believes that Toni Montano is a better politician and a more authentic statesman than Churchill.

Montenegrin Swiss...

Of course they could lead Switzerland. And the Roman Empire. Born for Byzantium. If they had run Atlantis, it would never have sunk...