Coordination team for Milosev Krs: The Commission rejected the study, the Environmental Protection Agency makes the final decision

"In the case of the Milos Karst, we, the united residents of all the villages, also took a stand, so perhaps the position of the Commission and the Agency was somewhat easier. We remind you that we, together with our friends, submitted about 40 written objections to the aforementioned study and were looking forward to their evaluation."

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Milošev krš, Photo: Coordination team for Milošev krš

The commission for the evaluation of the report on environmental impact assessment for the Milošev Krs quarry project, near Cetinje, rejected the report, the Coordination Team for Milošev Krs announced.

"In the letter of the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro dated February 26.2.2024, 21.2.2024, the report of the commission dated February XNUMX, XNUMX was submitted. It explained that the concessionaire, although the Commission gave him an additional deadline, did not submit the required documentation: approvals and consents of the competent institutions for relocation transmission line and the consent of the Capital of Cetinje on giving the local road for use. In its conclusion, the Commission proposes to the Agency 'to make a decision to refuse consent to the Elaboration'. Thus, the entire concession project and the elaboration, which, if we understood correctly, due to the lack of the mentioned documentation, was disqualified It still remains for the Agency to make a final decision, we believe, in accordance with the Commission's conclusion," the announcement states.

They explained that the elaboration will thus be definitely rejected, and the project, they believe, will be stopped forever.

"While we wait for that final move, we want to send strong support to the people in the Agency and director Milan Gazdić, who, as we unofficially learn, are daily exposed to pressure from various sides, from the economy to politics, from outside and inside, from concessionaires to the state. We wish them to persevere in the defense of the institution, in the interest of the state, society and future generations. And let them not perceive this support as another form of pressure. No, this is sincere and from the heart. After the experience with Miloš's karst, we understand much better the importance and responsibility of the Agency. Protection nature, space, water, air, life on an operational and strategic level - this requires a lot of courage in Montenegro. And along the way, we have also seen many systemic errors and legal deficiencies, which ignore the local community, and the environmental impact assessment puts at the end," the announcement reads.

photo: Coordination team for Milošev krs

"Thus, the Agency was given the role of the last obstacle for the 'first shovel' and the implementation of million-dollar projects, multi-decade concessions, which are carried by powerful interests. The Agency stands on the line with those strong appetites. In the case of Milošev Karst, we, the united residents of all villages, stood as well, so perhaps the position of the Commission and the Agency was somewhat easier. We remind you that we, together with our friends, submitted about 40 written objections to the aforementioned study and were looking forward to their evaluation. Instead, even better, we are looking forward to this victory and want to publicly thank everyone who On behalf of the Milošev Karst Coordination Team of the local communities of Bokovo, Đinovići and Kosijeri, we would like to thank our comrades and friends, the residents of Bokov, Đinovići, Kosijeri, Ulići, Markovdoljani, Mikulići, Tomići, Orašani, Štitari, Cetinje and everyone who helped us refuse quarry from our villages, to preserve the environment, air, health, living world, property, our road and a chance for sustainable development and revitalization of the wider region under the city of Soko", it concludes.