Ministry of Defense: Krapović announced the improvement of working conditions at the Military Medical Center

"The minister, together with his associates, visited the clinics, the laboratory, the departments of internal medicine, orthopedics, urology, gynecology, radiology, dentistry, occupational medicine, ophthalmology, ENT, as well as the clinics of psychologists and psychiatrists"

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Krapović during the visit, Photo: Ministry of Defense

Defense Minister Dragan Krapović announced the improvement of working conditions at the Military Medical Center, the Ministry of Defense announced.

The announcement states that Krapović "visited the Military Medical Center in order to familiarize himself with the personnel and overall capacities of this important medical facility intended for members of the Army of Montenegro and the Ministry of Defense, as well as the Police Administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

PHOTO: Ministry of Defense
PHOTO: Ministry of Defense
PHOTO: Ministry of Defense
PHOTO: Ministry of Defense

"The minister, together with his colleagues, visited the clinics, the laboratory, the departments of internal medicine, orthopedics, urology, gynecology, radiology, dentistry, occupational medicine, ophthalmology, ENT, as well as the clinics of psychologists and psychiatrists. It is especially important to point out that VMC is a medical an institution that has its share of involvement in all missions of the Army of Montenegro. This was especially noticeable during the covid pandemic, when doctors and other medical staff from the VMC showed extreme dedication in helping the civilian structures of society. Krapović saw the challenges faced by employees at the VMC they meet in the performance of their work duties, announced the improvement of working conditions, and thanked them for their enormous sacrifice and dedication in their work," the announcement reads.

from the Ministry of Defense stated that the Chief of Staff of the General Staff, Colonel Mitar Klikovac, as well as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Marko Marković visited the VMC.