Vučić: For 78 days, they destroyed our country, killed children, and cut up our territory. Nevertheless, despite everything, Serbia lives

"Freedom is more than air, freedom will never be taken away from us," Vučić wrote in a post on Instagram

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Vucic, Photo: Reuters

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today, on the 25th anniversary of the start of NATO aggression, that on March 24, 1999, "19 of the most powerful and strongest attacked Serbia without any right and for the first time without a decision of the UN Security Council."

"For 78 days, they destroyed our country. They killed children. They cut the territory into pieces. Yet, despite everything, Serbia lives. Awakened. Stronger, Braver. Defiant. And above all, free. Freedom is more than air, freedom will never be taken away from us Long live Serbia," wrote Vučić in a post on Instagram.

The central manifestation of the commemoration of the Day of Remembrance for those killed in NATO aggression will begin at 20 pm in Prokuplje.