SD: Montenegro has formally aligned itself with the anti-Western side

"The vote of the representative of Montenegro on the issue of Kosovo's membership in the SE is an indication that the agreement of the leaders of the parliamentary majority is a dead letter and that ZBCG is successfully implementing its agenda on the international level as well"

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Photo: Social Democrats of Montenegro

The vote in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PSSE) on the issue of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe shows that the agreement of the parliamentary majority is a dead letter and that the coalition For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) is successfully implementing its agenda on the international level as well, announced the Social Democrats (SD).

The party said that with such an act, Montenegro had formally aligned itself with the anti-Western side, thereby disrupting the traditionally good relations with its neighbors.

"The vote of the representative of Montenegro on the issue of Kosovo's membership in the SE is an indication that the agreement of the leaders of the parliamentary majority is a dead letter and that ZBCG is successfully implementing its agenda on the international level as well. Minister Ivanović, Prime Minister Spajić, President Milatović, blink if you have been kidnapped", they stated from SD on the X network.