Andrijevica safe for forced administration

The Government will decide on the introduction of forced administration in Andrijevica and Savnik today, if the conditions are met

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The authorities claim that they have fulfilled all the conditions: Šavnik, Photo: Svetlana Mandić

The government will most likely decide at today's session whether to introduce forced administration in Šavnik and Andrijevica.

According to unofficial information from Vijesta, the Ministry of Public Administration (MJU) was yesterday waiting for the opinions of colleagues from the Ministry of Economic Development (MER) and the State Election Commission (SEC) on the submitted Strategic Plan and measures for the Municipal Election Commission in Šavnik.

A source from the government told the paper that if everything goes according to plan, that point will go to the government session today.

SEC unofficially told Vijesti that they will deliver the requested opinion today.

The Ministry asked the SEC for an opinion regarding the procedure for making decisions on the dismissal and appointment of members of the Šavnik Municipal Election Commission from the aspect of applying the regulations governing this procedure.

"Vijesti" has unofficially learned that the opinion of the SEC essentially boils down to the fact that they cannot determine whether the members of the Šavnik MEC were dismissed and elected legally or not, because the MEC is elected by the Municipal Assembly, whose work is controlled by the ministry.

The Law on the Election of Councilors and Members of Parliament stipulates that the MEC in its permanent composition is appointed by the Municipal Assembly, on the proposal of the working body of the Municipal Council responsible for election and appointment, from the list of candidates proposed by political parties, i.e. coalition electoral lists, i.e. groups of voters that have councilors in the Assembly municipalities, and that the supervision of the work of the SO is carried out by the ministry responsible for public administration affairs.

On March 20, the Parliament of Savnica adopted a decision on the dismissal of the MEC at an electronic session, and two days later, at an electronic session attended only by the councilors of the ruling DPS-SD coalition, it elected its new composition. Two members of the commission from the opposition, who in the earlier period voted against repeating the election at the polling stations "Sala SO Šavnik" and "Kafana Kruševica", were replaced by new members, while the members and president of the MEC from DPS remained the same.

Due to the election of new members of the MEC, the opposition sent a notification to the SEC, and that institution does not decide on the notification.

The strategic plan of the municipality for this year was also adopted at the electronic session.

According to the Law on Local Self-Government, if the municipal assembly does not fulfill its obligations, the Government, on the proposal of the Ministry, will dissolve the local parliament. In that case, the function of the municipal assembly until the constitution of a new one is performed by the board of trustees, appointed by the Government. The president of the state announces elections in the municipality, one day after the decision to dissolve the local parliament comes into force.

The deadline given by the Ministry of Justice to the municipalities of Šavnik, Andrijevica and Budva to fulfill the obligations established by law expired on Monday at midnight.

Budva avoided forced administration because the local parliament shortened its mandate on Monday, and the state president shortened it Jakov Milatovic on Tuesday announced the elections in that municipality for May 26.

President of the Municipality Jugoslav Jakić told Vijesti yesterday that "everything was submitted" to the Ministry that was requested and that was a condition for that municipality to avoid forced administration.

The coalition "For the future of Šavnik" claims that it is not true that all conditions have been met.

The State Election Commission has so far held 60 sessions dedicated to the elections in Šavnik and passed 120 resolutions ordering the MEC of Šavnik to make a decision on repeating the elections, which did not happen, because four members of the MEC, out of a total of eight, were from the ranks of the opposition during votes were against or abstained.

The elections in Šavnik began on October 23, 2022, when they were held in 13 other municipalities, but after nine repetitions, tearing of ballots, broken ballot boxes, prevention of voting, verbal and physical conflicts, numerous applications, a deadlock was reached - on polling stations in the SO building and in the village of Kruševice, where 541 voters were registered, the elections have not ended.

And the Assembly of the Municipality of Andrijevica was warned that within the same period it must adopt a strategic plan for the development of the Municipality and decisions on proposals for the dismissal of the President of the Municipality of Andrijevica. Željko Ćulafić (SNP) and the President of the Municipal Assembly Mladen Đukić (Democrats).

In that municipality, nothing was done regarding the Government's warning.