PES: Milatović's campaign against the original idea of ​​his former party is more visible every day

According to them, Milatović directed criticism "exclusively at formally his party and the 44th Government, even because of the appointment of Predrag Drecun, whom he included in his campaign and with whom he celebrated election victories together."

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Illustration, Photo: Evropa sad

The campaign that President Jakov Milatović continues to lead against the original idea of ​​his former party is more visible every day, according to the press release of the Europe Now Movement (PES).

"The former deputy president of PES has now teamed up with Nebojša Medojević, who most criticized the Evropa Sad 1 program, and with Dritan Abazović, who most disputes the Evropa Sad 2 program," PES said.

According to them, until he became president, Milatović had a completely different opinion.

"Because of that, he was even accused by his current ally from PzP of smuggling cigarettes together with his then party colleague and current prime minister. Former PES official Milatović also made harsh accusations against his new ally Dritan Abazović, for overthrowing the 42nd Government with the DPS immediately after the salary increase, and the subsequent joint unconstitutional action of the URA, also together with the DPS," they said.

According to them, Milatović directed criticism "exclusively at formally his party and the 44th Government, even because of the appointment of Predrag Drecun, whom he included in his campaign and with whom he celebrated election victories together."

PES emphasized that the current contestation of economic development, due to, as they said, a certain salary increase, shows that the former PES official has completely distanced himself from the idea that brought him to the position of president.

"The citizens of Montenegro, in addition to a better standard of living, will witness rapid and sustainable economic development, based on broad infrastructural networking and very significant investments, which will contribute to the creation of numerous jobs. We wish the president of the country, who presented himself as a non-partisan figure, a successful cooperation and a lot of of happiness after concluding a memorandum on joint cooperation with URA and PZP", they concluded.