The Pope washed the feet of 12 women in prison in Rome

"We all experience small and big failures," the pope said in a homily during Mass in the courtyard of the detention center where about 370 women are imprisoned.

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Photo: Reuters

The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, who is sensitive to the prison world, washed the feet of 12 women in a prison in Rome today, as part of a ritual to mark Maundy Thursday, which precedes Easter.

During the day, the Argentinian Jesuit went to the women's prison Rebibija, on the outskirts of Rome, and performed the rite there, which he had already done in 2015, but for the first time dedicated the rite only to women.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he washed the feet of the prisoners. Some were moved to tears by that gesture, and then he wiped their legs with a towel and kissed them.

photo: Reuters

The pope, who is 87, appeared to be in good shape, although his health has caused concern in recent days, with repeated infections that have prevented him from delivering his speeches on several occasions.

"We all experience small and big failures," the pope said in a homily during Mass in the courtyard of the detention center where about 370 women are imprisoned.

photo: Reuters

Washing feet is "a gesture that invites us to serve others," he added.

Before that, Francis shook hands with the prisoners with a smile.

photo: Reuters

In the Christian tradition, Maundy Thursday is celebrated on the day when Jesus Christ washed the feet of the apostles during his last supper (the Last Supper).

Since his election in 2013, Francis has visited prisons and reception centers for refugees on several occasions, where he washed the feet of former mobsters, sick or marginalized people.

Tomorrow on Good Friday, the Pope will lead the Way of the Cross procession to the Roman Colosseum. Franjo could not participate in the procession last year due to health reasons.