I had no idea that the validity of my recent proposal - to withdraw and save Montenegro - would be confirmed so quickly. Because the country is on its knees because of corruption, crime, nepotism, kitsch, propaganda, force, captive institutions... And for Montenegro to stand up - your system must be dismantled. That means, you have to give up. When those around you couldn't make you do it and stop you. When Montenegro is not as lucky as Zimbabwe to have at least one "Crocodile" in its pond that would ensure a peaceful transition. And your departure into political eternity.
Not even half a year has passed, and the situation is much more dramatic. I remember the words of Karl Jaspers, whom I know you have never heard of, who wrote to Hannah Arendt in 1945, I can tell you about her that she was never a guest of "Living Truth", I remember how Jaspers writes to his friend that after many years of feeling ashamed and anxiety because of the crimes of the Third Reich, then, at the end of the war, on the burning ground of a defeated and razed Germany, he felt relief for the first time. I would feel the same way, Master, or all of us, shameful and frustrated for you, if you too retreated and surrendered. Not in front of us, but in front of our own conscience and responsibility. If you even care about the importance of those terms. So much for fascism. Your favorite topic.
My lord, he is not worthy of the presidential office of our country, in the XNUMXst century, someone who draws targets for innocent people, be he, to paraphrase you, from a drug clan or politics. Because experience teaches us, in both cases, many heads have already been lost because of it. Our experience with you is the best confirmation - after you drew a target on our forehead 925 times, 25 attacks happened. True, the head has not fallen yet, but not thanks to the inaccuracy of your vicious accusations and threats, but due to the coincidence or compassion of the commanders and perpetrators of these crimes. As one colleague from the newsroom said - we can all now feel like "failed" journalists. Because we are all still on the number. A cruelly cynical and true description of the environment in which we live and work, which was created by your statesmanship and politics.
I agree with you, Master, that the fact that it is you is indicative was the first to report, with the distorted results of the investigation and the indictment. No way to wean yourself off of it. Željko Ivanović's volunteers, Mladen Stojović's epileptic attack, Tufik's "outdated" executioners, the sheriff's driver's concussion, Olja Lakić's football players, Grgurević's orchids, the bombers under Mihail Jovović's window... You are still ready to construct and raise false indictments. . Then why be surprised by Šušović, Čarapićka or Stanković...
You are also right when you explain the causes of such deviant behavior of yours. To paraphrase you again - you want to silence everyone who talks about your crime. Our message is - none of that. Because as you know, the EU and all major world media, not only us, report and write that in your private state there is no clear line separating the top of the government from the top of the underground. I have already written to you, Lord, that you are the only head of state in Europe whose house or cabinet was entered by at least five people killed on the street, and to this day the perpetrators, nor the reasons for their liquidation, have not been discovered. In addition, you boast and publicly identify with at least five people who are seriously suspected of having committed or ordered one or more murders. That's why you have to admit - drug clans can only be identified with the top of the government, which you personify, and not with the media, which you hate and target. The same, evil time of war crimes and sanctions, gave birth to both you and them, in parallel you built your power on the foundations of early works, so that now on the streets of Montenegrin cities they measure strength and settle accounts.
There is no difference, you are right, Master, between those who they cold-bloodedly liquidate people at noon in the city center and those from the highest positions in the government deliberate and also cold-blooded, with their statements and front pages, with their "minute or two episodes", they commit violence against the innocent and brave citizens of this country. Because, as Adam Mihnjik described your and Milošević's nineties - every innocent man who died on the battlefields of Yugoslavia was first hit by a word, and only then by a bullet. Your Mira Marković wrote texts that were a copy of your statements today. After one of them, Slavko Ćuruvija was killed. Twenty years later, we learn that her Services "did" Slavko. Here, Duško Jovanović was liquidated according to a similar model, but even after 14 years, the investigation cannot find out who the murderers and principals are. Never, like a few days ago after controlled damage inflicted on Olja Lakić, you, Lord, have not shown that there is a grain of empathy left in your spirit. You never wondered how the parents of Jovanović, or now Olje Lakić, are doing. And to all those who fell or were affected during your reforms and Euro-Atlantic integrations. It's like you're not a parent. And it's like you're not someone's child. Awesome, man.
This lack of empathy and humanity is also the cause of your next statement in which you put enthusiasm and extermination in the same context. Only, Lord, the biggest monsters in the history of the human race, let's stick to those of the last century, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, only such could carry out the extermination of their own and other peoples with enthusiasm. If you really thought that with such with the same enthusiasm you lead CG for the next five years, then we will not be exterminated.
We will obey you in one, Lord - in spite of everything, in spite of terror, physical, financial, propaganda, judicial, we will continue to fight, as in the previous three decades, against all those who think that their high position and captive institutions protect them well enough from everything illegal and immoral they do. We will also fight against all forms of crime and violence, whether it comes from an ordinary individual, an organized group or from a powerful person who thinks that this right belongs to him based on ownership of the state and institutions. "There is one and the same term for all that, and that is crime"! Well done, Master.
I don't know if you noticed, but even in such difficult moments for our team, I tried to find some explanation in the words of comfort you sent us from Danilovgrad. I'm not a diagnostician like SDT Katnić, but what Dr. David Owen called Hubris syndrome seems to me the most convincing definition of your character and work. I already mentioned in one of the earlier texts that Hubris syndrome means acquired personality changes due to consumption of power. Dr. Owen states as the main characteristics of this syndrome unshakable self-confidence in the correctness of one's decisions, identification of the nation with one's own personality, showing actions aimed at promoting one's image as generally useful, essential incompetence covered by expressed self-confidence, sensitivity to criticism, loss of relationship with reality ...
If Dr. Owen is right, then your announcements that you will be the president of all citizens or part of a team that will strive for European values - let it go. You did not know how, Lord, to withdraw when it was your time, right after the referendum. Before these 25 attacks on us, before the 250 million donated to Deripaska and the banks, before Limenka and Blaž's businesses, before all these bombs, shootings and murders, before fascism and the lynching of dissenters, before the looting of public money by budget propagandists and intellectuals, before you gave Radmila the Rectorate and Miu Boxer the Njegoš award, before all the living truths with which you made dialogue in this society impossible, turning it, as Balša wrote, into a minefield and a war zone. You are too late, Master, and this society is already paying a heavy price. Even before you formally took office. You don't mind continuing to rule in the only way you know how - with violence, threats, arrogance and corruption, but the big question is whether Montenegro can survive another 5 years of yours. Whoever survives will talk.
Bonus video: