It was the dead of night. About 1 hour. Tomorrow I have to leave the Covid department of the Clinical Center and go home. Corona is gone, pneumonia won't happen so soon. Ali retreats. I received the very last infusion of antibiotics and vitamins and turned on my side to try to sleep. At that moment, I hear the booming voice of medical technician I., who coordinates the work of the nurses in the ward all the time but, according to protocol, does not enter the rooms. The man simply flies from door to door, fulfilling the requests of the covid nurses for new ampoules of longacef, hemomycin, paracetamol, for brownies and infusion solution...
Technician I. announces: The two critical ones, if the deterioration continues and they begin to die - the doctor said, there is no resuscitation. It doesn't help... In the background I hear the eerie sound of a respirator from the next room, to which one of the endangered patients is connected. A disturbing tone, similar to that of hospital sirens. Not so shrill, more blunt and equally ruthless. With that music, which announces perhaps someone's death, I fall asleep. Circumstances of man get used to everything. It was the same after the 2007 wait.
It was Thursday last week. Dead time of the night. Friday, in fact, was already treading heavily on the Central European time zone. I am reading to my best friend (Dante the dog, a Boston terrier, only one year old) the latest data on the dead and sick from corona. Here and in the region. Montenegro 443 new cases and 7 deaths, Serbia 6.257 cases and 65 deaths, Croatia 4.571 new cases and 26 deaths, Slovenia on the threshold of a new lockdown - 3.181 cases and 11 deaths. The main reason - the still low level of vaccination.
Midnight has long passed, I can't fall asleep, the dog feels the restlessness that has crept under my skin, clings to me, as if to hug me and lighten the burden. Not for nothing is the best friend. I turn on the TV set, nervously flip through the channels, even though I haven't watched RTCG since 2006. The picture with the prime minister catches my attention. Dante barks which was an additional signal to me that the supreme apostle was about to say something important. In the upper right corner it says replay, but we're pretending it's a live interview. And we listen to Primus: "I consulted my doctor, who told me that at this moment I do not need to be vaccinated"!
I can not believe. The dog became even more agitated, circling the room, growling, coming to the glass door from the terrace, looking into the pitch black outside, as if sensing some danger approaching the door. And she's only on TV. I return the recording and listen to Krivokapić again: "I consulted my doctor, who told me that at this moment I do not need to be vaccinated".
I wonder if the Prime Minister's doctor is some inserted DPS element, if Jevto Eraković is hiding behind that famous anonymous person, who is working on the head of Primus, exposing him to a dangerous disease, all with the aim of stopping the process of strengthening the secular and civil state, and above all, the formation the new Christian Democratic Party, which needs to reconcile the two extremes, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, Dr. Nestorović and Dr. Krivokapić on one side, and Dr. Kon and Filip Vujanović on the other side.
Has Prime Minister Krivokapić's doctor ever visited a covid ward, heard the eerie sound of a ventilator, seen the terrified and hopeless face of an infected patient under a helmet balloon, has that Prime Minister's doctor ever heard that one of his colleagues, at KBC, one night , from September 26 to 27, 2020, gave an order to the technician, that if the two patients on the ventilator go worse, not to resuscitate them, because everything is in vain...
Or is the Prime Minister just deceiving us?! Because the doctor he refers to does not exist, much less the defense troops of antibodies that have been lined up in him waiting for the attack of the virus since the first day of the corona, when he became a public figure and made a statement on the subject. Faith moves mountains, and communion dispels viruses. You remember. That is why the corona moved so many priests from the ground floor to the top of the church hierarchy to the kingdom of heaven.
"The helmet is connected to a machine that controls the oxygen content in the balloon and makes it easier for the patient to breathe... If even the helmet cannot improve saturation and respiration and when the values of partial oxygen and carbon dioxide are greatly disturbed - then the patient is put on a respirator. Then the machine 'breathes' for you and the real battle for life begins. Your lungs are in the hands of that machine.
I have to talk about death again. Because corona kills. In the world, there are already over a million people on the list of those lost due to the consequences caused by the corona. Its power to transform, hide, spread, attack various organs, lungs above all, but also those chronically weak, is terrifying. If it stays only on the tongue or in the nose, then nothing. If it goes lower, expect chaos”....
Dante listens to me reading parts of last year's report from the Kovid department of the KBC and it seems that for him there is no dilemma that is clearly bothering a university professor and at the same time the prime minister - what is more effective in defense against a deadly virus, a spoon or a syringe, communion or a vaccine?! Where do we live, except my little friend doesn't ask me. On which continent and in which century. I explain to him how a certain Giordano Bruno ended up at the stake because he claimed that the earth is round, Galileo in prison, but 400 years ago, so it is a bit shocking that today someone, even the prime minister, in the name of an imaginary divine theory, exposes tens of thousands of subjects mortal danger. Because when he avoids vaccination for a year and spreads the story of natural immunity, then it is nothing but self-deception, which would not be so tragic if the man was not the prime minister of a country.
But, unfortunately, it doesn't end there. I turn off the TV, I feel like breaking it, and then I uncontrollably start crying for all those who were taken away by the corona, from Đorđe Balašević to Marko Živić, from the parents from Bijela of a wonderful daughter whom I never met and whom I tried to help, to my brother Ljuban who, after four decades of work in Germany, returned to his native Mojkovac to enjoy his retirement and to overthrow the previous, reborn regime together with me... Corona took them all. Millions of known and unknown. Most of them did not wait for the vaccine, those who did thought - they won't get us. So they delayed. Still others believed the prime minister, the spoon and the antibody troops. I doubt that any of them had a doctor, like our Zdravko, who would have advised them that it is not yet time for the first vaccine, even though the percentage of those vaccinated in the most developed countries of the world has already exceeded 80 percent with both doses, even though vaccination is already widely underway in China children from 3 to 15 years old, although I still hear the dull sound of the ventilator and the voice of the technician to whom the doctor said - those two, if things get worse, there is no resuscitation because there is no use.
The TV is turned off, Dante clings to me again because I guess he feels both sadness and anger, I read on the portal the continuation of the message from the professor and the prime minister: "Unless you want me to deal with marketing in that part, and I have never dealt with any marketing in my life" . Therefore, everything that the highest state officials in the world did by receiving the vaccine, even there some right-wingers Orban, Vučić, Đukanović, even the majority of the members of the Government whose prime minister is Krivokapić, Montenegrin public figures, it was all pure self-promotion and the prime minister is only modest, faithful to God and averse to human weaknesses such as power, power, self-promotion.
It is completely irrelevant whether Krivokapić is an anti-vaxxer or just a superman with unprecedented natural immunity. Because he, as an ordinary citizen, has the right to make a personal choice, both on one and the other, but as prime minister he had to go to the vaccination center with the Minister of Health a long time ago, on the very first day, and by personal example send a message to all subjects that the only way defense of life against a deadly epidemic. It's time for the Prime Minister to choose - either get the vaccine or resign. The choice is simple. You can do it, Krivokapic.
Bonus video: