Spajić or Milović?

Has the government already seized the prime minister so much that he sees its defense as a priority? Instead of performing duties for the benefit of citizens?!

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Photo: Vijesti/Boris Pejović
Photo: Vijesti/Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Since the president of the ML Security Committee showed a strictness that neither the "Skaljar" nor the "Kavak" clans remember, while he led the police department for drugs in their place, I will only deal with what the entire public heard and saw. When asked how he perceives the accusations against a minister (Milović), who is associated with members of organized criminal groups, Prime Minister Spajić replied that "for one second" he did not watch the session of the Security and Defense Committee, "nor will he ever watch it in his life." Let alone ask for a report from Miša L. about what happened in the deaf room! So why is he the prime minister, the citizens who pay him can ask him?!

This attitude of the first man of the Government towards serious issues could introduce a precedent of the following type: tomorrow, for example, more serious evidence of corruption related to a minister emerges, it doesn't have to be Milović, and Chief Mickey repeats the comment - I'm not interested in that, let whoever is involved yes, I don't have a second to waste, my goal is EU membership and a higher standard of living. And then, in order to support such a commitment and the path to a bright future, the head of the Committee Laković announced that he would file a lawsuit against those who published information about corruption. Not because they are not correct, but because they are not in the "state interest".

Now I understand why, after the aforementioned answer, none of the journalists wanted to waste time, not even a second, let alone a minute or two, and ask Spajki - whether in a normal country and a responsible government, which strives for EU membership and a higher standard of citizens, there was what minister, especially the minister of justice, can be in partnership with a person connected to the criminal milieu?! Who figured or still enjoys the status of a person from a certain Interpol blue list. Which is why, I guess, she deserved the proud status of person of security interest (BIL). Why should I waste my time, thought a well-informed colleague, when I know that the prime minister will answer so as not to waste precious time on someone's private life, because he is equally not interested in why Ceca once fell in love with Arkan and Milović now with a BI person! As soon as it was so important for him to catch the bond for its legalization?! That is, the translation from gray to legal waters?!

Why, then, should the prime minister account to journalists and the public on issues related to the inappropriate or sinister behavior of his ministers, if he has more important work to do?! The answer to this question is clear to everyone, of course also to the intelligent Mickey, just pretend to be Japanese.

But here is a clarification. First, although not the most important - while Spajić holds a position where he is paid with the money of the citizens of Montenegro, he must know not only what the ministers do to him during working hours, but also after the eclipse, who they meet in the Government building, and outside her, where they move around the country and surroundings. Or, let's say, what watch they wear, how many horses they drive and where they get the money for all that. Otherwise, Milo should be erected a monument. Or, as Daniel suggests, immediately introduce him into the reading books, declare him a historical figure and mark his date of birth with a red letter in the church calendar. Because he signed the Belgrade Agreement, led to independence, brought the country into NATO and built the Temple Churches of Serbia in the heart of Podgorica. Everything else, from watches worth over 100 thousand euros to captured institutions, private state and rigged tenders, endemic corruption and cocaine clans - we are not interested in that, we will not spend a second on these things nor will we ever watch such nonsense in our life. And performances of egomaniacs from independent media and serious NGOs.

Another reason that every responsible prime minister should keep in mind before making such irresponsible statements is the following - how does he intend to bring Montenegro into the European Union if his government is made up of ministers inclined to socialize or chat with BI people, doesn't such an approach remind of the deceased DPS, when we had a minister who smokes at the expense of the state or, much more seriously, the same man who flies in the European skies at the expense of Darko Šarić. Helping Pljevljak to launder money through Hipo Bank, as BIL once claimed to Monitor?!

However, what worries the most about the aforementioned relationship between Spajić and the Minister of Justice is the following: why is the Prime Minister taking Milović under his protection?! One of the possible answers is - precisely because little Andrei says/does what Mickey (sober) thinks?! So, as with a cancer patient, the worst thing is not the disease, but the detected metastasis. It is the same with the Government of Montenegro - it is not tragic that the Minister of Justice rushes to subdue the security sector and the judiciary, with the undisguised support of Lomi, Tigra, Z. and Danijela (who does not yet have a code name), but what is he doing with the support of the Prime Minister himself? ! If it were not so, if Spajić really wanted a professional at the head of UP and ANB, and Novović and Šuković in their current positions, then he would have dismissed Milović a long time ago. And he wouldn't need testimony about his contacts with BI people, even putting some of those on that list under protection. And then he would not expose MP Laković to the stress of defending the champions of PES, with a clear attempt to discipline the media.

Another, possible option, certainly more intriguing, is that Milović behaves like this because he knows that Spajić can't do anything to him?! Or he can't. Andrej is not a fool, although he tries to give that impression. He's more dangerous than funny. Let's say, Milović's express reply to the Prime Minister's name-calling about Čamgoz, in the sense, I am the backbone of Spajić - acted more as a threat than as an oath of loyalty. It turns out that the minister wanted to tell the prime minister - if you break me, you too will end up in a wheelchair. At best. So does Milović have Spikeki for something?! Or at least he thinks he has? In any case, not an idyllic picture of the current political moment. But that's how it is when you're dealing with the mafia and a minister of justice who doesn't hide that people on the other side of the law are his natural environment. Both at weddings and funerals. And when he just chooses where to have a baby.

Everything seems pretty clear except for one doubt - whether Mickey went down the wrong path out of ignorance or out of lust for power. Neither is reassuring, neither for him nor for the state, although the former seems more benign. Whatever the reason, the epilogue is always the same - the leader reaches a dead end and not Brussels. Whether, therefore, Spajić concluded on his own or was naively convinced that only absolute control over the security structures, and then the judiciary, and finally the media, brings peaceful sleep, pleasant questions and wealth, he should draw lessons from experiences of predecessors. Because a similar approach to the organization of the state apparatus, where the government and institutions turn into a facade and their roles are taken over by individuals, cost Đukanović a lot, and in the end, the government itself! And Đinđić, which is more tragic, and his life! Milo established control over society and institutions through Roćen, Duško and Maraš, then Zoran copied it with Čed, Bebo and Vesić, so that now Mickey would think that he, too, should rule the country in a similar way?! Through his uncle, the duke (Momčil, not Mandić) and Milović. I'm not accusing, at least not for a few more days, I'm just asking - has the government already seized the prime minister so much that he sees her defense as a priority. Instead of performing duties for the benefit of citizens?!

It's a wonder how many, if not all, politicians in the Balkans are quickly seduced and conquered by the spell of power. Faster and worse than the face of the Minister of Justice. Or Ram - Abazović. And Vučić - Plenkovića.

"Dad, I would do this too," Miško says in confidence to the older Krstić, watching live sex in the forest, on the way to Belgrade, to which the conscientious parent admits: "Dad would too, son." So, if Mickey doesn't misunderstand me, I wouldn't want to interfere in his business, but it would be healing if he would think for a second and give up the misdirection. It is too late for a new autocracy in Montenegro. This is not Serbia.

Believing, however, that the prime minister is dedicated to the well-being of the citizens, and not to his own or the interests of friends, family and Miš Laković, I expect that he will very soon renounce the services of the controversial and compromised minister Milović. Either me or him, what little Andrej told Šuković recently, now the prime minister should tell the minister. Otherwise, it sends a worrying signal to citizens and Western partners.

Bonus video:

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