A fan

At the end draped in a flag like a fan in the stands, or Vesna Medenica/Verica Maraš at a rally, Vučić seems more ridiculous at the United Nations than a national hero

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Vučić at the session of the UN General Assembly, Photo: Reuters
Vučić at the session of the UN General Assembly, Photo: Reuters
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

That Vucic and in 1389 had the opportunity to reach Kosovo, things would not have ended that way. Or at least the Serbs would not know that even to this day.

Vučić's show is vivid, and it is difficult to judge whether it is more amoral or stupid. At times it really seems as if he is "directing" everything. Zeljko Mitrovic for some new mega reality shows. That kind of spiritual framework.

In Vučić's Serbia, more people believe in flying taxis in a few years than if the genocide happened in Srebrenica thirty years ago.

At the end draped in a flag like a fan in the stands, or Vesna Medenica/Verica Maraš at a rally, Vučić seems more ridiculous at the United Nations than a national hero.

And the media presented the matter as an archetypal scene - a mythical hero goes to the scene of the World Power (SS, of course) to defend his innocent people. (Note: just as there are no genocidal nations, there certainly are no innocent ones either.)

Photos from the blessing in the Temple are reminiscent of national scenes in composition Paje Jovanović. It's just that Paja worked for the walls of the museum, and Vučko and Porfi for the front pages of tabloids.

By the way, the matter is squarely insane: an allegedly Christian high priest agrees to the unworthy show of mocking thousands of murdered civilians. Porphyry's doctrine: a Christianity that defends the executioners and does not see the victims?

A Blessing from the Patriarch is a predictable chord of epic nostalgia. In that spirit, Seal says that "Vučić will stand before German power". (Definitely, Bros is his biggest challenge, at this stage of his career he is making himself in his image, hence this "German force", if you immediately think of Kadinjača or Sutjeska, it was not applied.)

Where these people live is not easy to fathom. It must be some space where the times are caricaturally mixed, where reality functions as a mosaic of desires, frustration, self-deception and trauma, so you have no obligations towards it. You can move parts as you wish, delete and add, in that national matrix you are the master of everything, and, well, it can be yours. Basically, it's unbelievable that anyone can find even one follower for a setup like this, let alone hundreds of thousands. That, I'm afraid, is the key diagnosis of our time. Guided by such an attitude towards reality Dodik says "Fiasco". And he knows, if anyone.

One of my professors explained the logic of socialist realism with the help of a good Russian joke. He says that the Soviet and American presidents competed, and the American won. And Pravda brought the headline: "Our president won second place, the American president second to last." The biggest abomination of such a worldview was precisely the need to, despite the reality, with some kind of verbal matchmaking, create the appearance of victory, that is, publish our version of reality.

The unbearable ease of endless falsification. One explains that genocide did not happen in Srebrenica, and two sentences further claims that the prime minister did Kurti he is carrying out genocide against the Serbs in Kosovo. And now you find out what the word genocide means to him.

It is good that Montenegro resisted the pressure of Vučić's political-national madness and voted for the resolution. It's a shame that there was no courage and integrity to co-sponsor the resolution. Because this is not a matter of political guessing, this is a question of morality and the future of Montenegro.

This resolution emphasizes the moment of memory and remembrance of the monstrous crime. The matter should be remembered because of some subsequent national mobilizations: no one can and must not deprive you of responsibility. He must be held accountable for everything he does.

However, it would be good if some felt ashamed.

The beats of Vučić's hysteria were well received among his vassals in Montenegro.

Mandiceva festive rudeness speaks volumes. If he hates Montenegro so much that he is unable to congratulate her on her Day, and he is in the second most important position in the country, an honorable man would resign.

That he does not deceive himself or others.

Bonus video:

(Opinions and views published in the "Columns" section are not necessarily the views of the "Vijesti" editorial office.)