I regret that history did not record the second sequence of events, I regret that there were not enough people among those who had to be friends and neighbors and that reason did not overcome the sinister intentions whose consequences are irreversible...
This biggest war crime in Europe after the Second World War testifies to the limitlessness of human brutality and cruelty when the politics of hatred poisons society...
We can base a carefree future only on a determined opposition to the still tough ideas about the superiority of one's own people or the inferiority of other peoples, ideas that insist on an ethnically homogeneous society and illusions that peace is overvalued and war is expedient...
In the bleak everyday life in which human and children's war sufferings around the world selectively deserve compassion depending on the territory they are in, the challenge is to find a basis for optimism, because if we can't find some light even in the darkest - it wouldn't be worth living...
Well done, Maida! That one cannot believe that the person who spoke such wise and meaningful words and messages, in the memorial center in Potočari, represents the right-wing, xenophobic and anti-European majority. If she was honest and if she still firmly stands by everything she said over the mounds of more than eight thousand Bosniaks buried so far, mostly children and the elderly, the only logical question for the ministers is: what are you looking for in the Government and the party that less than a month ago made fun of the Srebrenica crime by creating counter-resolutions, those about Croatia and Germany?! As Milan Knežević, Maida's coalition partner, explained to us, so that there would be no confusion.
Just as Minister Gorčević was speaking these words in Potočari, in another place, not so far away, in the center of Novi Sad, a group of sympathizers of the current government in Serbia, gathered in the organization "Srpski soko", organized a rally to mark the July 11 "day of the liberation of Srebrenica!" They wore t-shirts of their hero Ratko Mladić and chanted "Knife, wire, Srebrenica!"
Should Minister Gorčević explain that this event was not a random incident, an outburst by a group of neo-fascists, but a rule, not to say a law in today's Serbia, after 12 years of Aleksandar Vučić's rule. And Maida Gorčević's party is in a granite alliance with AV puppets in Montenegro: Mandić, Knežević, Joković, Koprivić and unwilling accomplice Bečić! Soon, the worst part of that right will be fellow ministers Maida Gorčević. Will she even be embarrassed by that fact? Or maybe, like Mišo Laković, a member of the PES, she will come out and publicly announce that she does not belong to the "world" that celebrates war crimes and declares the day of remembrance of the genocide in Srebrenica as the day of liberation?!
That's why I expect the minister at some PES body, if not at the government, to explain to the comrades how it is unthinkable, and ultimately illegitimate, that PES, which received about 20 percent of support as a civil party, is now forming an alliance with the radical right or neo-fascists. After we saw what happened in a democratic and anti-fascist country, France, President Macron did to prevent the entry into power of a movement that is even a soft version of the local coalition partners of PES.
The minister should know that only in the last few weeks in Serbia, several civil and anti-fascist gatherings have been officially banned by the MUP, even in the field of culture, and the Prime Minister of Serbia, Vučević, and not some crazy neo-fascist and loner, is publicly saying that he despises the organizers of the art festival Good morning!
Montenegro fared no better either - in Pljevlje, where processions were held and a monument of defiance to the so-called heroes from Košar was erected, the tragedy of the war and criminal policy of Milošević, Bulatović, and Mandić from 1999 was actually celebrated. At the same time, the NATO alliance was treated as villains. And a few months earlier, I'm sure that Minister Gorčević also remembers it, the season of glorifying the shameful and aggressive war of 1991 began in the same Pljevlje through the promotion of streets with the names of the naive and tragic victims of that campaign.
Is the latest pearl of Serbian world announcer Mandić on the same background about the chapel and the fulfillment of Njegoš's bequest?! Or the point is to restore the "spiritual vertical", which Andrija himself admits. With this act, Njegoš would first be humiliated even by the greatest philosopher and poet of the South Slavic peoples, reduced to a mantija and investigator of poturics, the one with whose portraits Mandić, priests and cannons stormed Dubrovnik, Vukovar, Sarajevo, Srebrenica. The Serbian world is bothered by the great Njegoš and the grandiose Meštrović, they need a wooden chest and possibly relics, where then, in a Taliban trance, Orthodox youth from all over the Serbian world would come to write down Lovćen and Njegoš.
This is clear to everyone except PES and its leader, but the government and the defense of the armchairs are above the face and the defense of national dignity and European values.
That's right, Maida, I have nothing to add to what you said - brutality and cruelty come after a sick policy subdues society! Is the current Government, in which Minister Gorčević sits and the parliamentary majority led by Mandić, the promoter of some similar sick policy, which very subtly, and not savagely and aggressively like in the 90s, subjugates society?! And threatens to lead him to brutality and cruelty similar to the one that gave birth to Omarska and Srebrenica?!
If the great Maida Gorčević remains silent, if her historic words in Srebrenica are covered and drowned out by the noise of right-wingers who are preparing to enter the Government, those who not only never apologized for the crimes of the 90s, Vukovar, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Srebrenica, but they celebrate and rehabilitate every day - then, dear Maida, what will be left of the carefree future we owe our children?! And grandchildren. If, as nicely said, let's resolutely not oppose tough ideas about the supremacy of our own or the inferiority of other peoples, ideas that insist on an ethnically homogeneous society and policies that consider peace to be overrated and war expedient!
Well, it turns out, Maida, that it's better that you neither went nor spoke in Srebrenica, because these people from Vijesta don't care what PES is doing - monk Vasilije will say to his colleague after reading the text. Although the point of what was written is quite different - encouraging Minister Gorčević not to stop there. Because if she remains silent like Koprivica, reluctantly shrugs her shoulders like Bečić, looks lost at the ceiling like Spajić, if out of fear for the children she retreats in front of the "liberators" from Srebrenica, the heroes from Košar, the defenders from Konavalo - then heavy darkness will cover the Government, the Assembly , the whole society. And in that darkness, not even the greatest optimists, like Maida, or myself, will be able to see any spark or trace of light.
Bonus video: