I've noticed recently that in our country, my happiest and most pleasant encounters are with unknown foreigners, people who have settled here for temporary or permanent work. There is some independence from the evil spirits of this climate of ours, freedom from the genetically and socially conditioned mental heritage that the interaction with these people, the so-called "newcomers" or "guest workers", guest workers, passes on without even being aware of it.
We, the natives, who remained on this soil, despite all its bad sides and limitations, which mainly concern the psychological components, views of, and experience of the world, culture and civilized living; and who decided to stay here, to smoke here each one his last pipe of peace; suddenly we are now blessed with a new social diversity, postmen from Bangladesh, surveyors from Serbia, masons from Albania, salesmen from China, Sudan or Nepal, chauffeurs from Chile...
Contrary to our falsely pure-blooded and single-minded identities, shaped by intense socio-political dictation and will, now, as a spontaneous result of these same efforts, it is shown that we cannot do without the world - especially without those of its poorer and more vulnerable sides, just as the world cannot do without us - or at least we welcome him salutarily in some current personal economic existential hopelessness.
This is how these dark-skinned diverse people, driven, clearly, by danger and poverty, spread across our now apathetic and indifferent, morally insufficient country - with their dedication to some work, gratitude for the opportunity to earn for a crust of bread, some unexpected ray of sunshine, unexpected - and by God very rarely seen in recent decades in us - a thread of honesty and kindness, cheerfulness and respect for others.
While our man, learning from "those above", in more advanced social positions, learned and quickly mastered the lesson that without theft, rudeness, disrespect for colleagues and opponents, low blows and pranks, insensitivity and complete unfair play, there is no survival, and no progress, and therefore no reputation in this little, despised and self-made, toadstool of ours, our new social comrades and fellow citizens, that motley citizenry of the world, which now provides us with some services "for three blacks and two whites", doing their jobs wholeheartedly in front of which our people raise their hands, going to the same or similar, but better paid jobs according to the so-called (still) in the Western world, they are driven and guided by the most necessary motives of bare survival - that is why their gestures and looks, smiles and actions radiate in us an almost completely disappeared social nobility.
Where did these diverse people come from, how difficult are they - it is obvious that the conditions of life and work forced them to come here, to this wild space of social and social disarray and increasingly evident lawlessness, where jobs are usually only done formally, in order not to " lova", a secure salary stuffed into their pocket, and no one even wants to think about conscientiousness and quality, seriousness or excellence of work and action anymore, because the failure of these qualities is one of the fundamental prerequisites of any prosperity and respectability?
It will be that somewhere - and that is where there are no wars at the moment, because wars cannot be an excuse for all peacetime dislocations, as is often the case in this retrograde village of ours, still worse and more severe than here, and that we, just us, are for some third people there, citizens of the world of the third or penultimate order, some new country of dembele!
There is no comfort in this illusion, even if it is made of some bits of true crystals, but the fact is that meeting these people is a new kind of ennobling experience for us natives, who are already too well and too well known to each other, with our tactics and strategies, because we have been observing each other for a long time in these narrow social rooms of ours, distributed in some spheres of interest.
Well, for a long time, due to mutual wickedness, we no longer manage to see a human in each other - either our, by all accounts, questionable and dubious social modes and habits have made us so vampirized, or we have generally degraded as beings in a spiritual sense, so now our new fellow citizens , these new motley voluntary slaves, or just hard-working pregos, with their gazes inscribed with suffering, gazes devoid of those evil, dark, skewed, already resentful, disputing, hating nuances, bring and spread a new relief, a sudden confirmation that we are not always and necessarily each other's wolves, but that we can - and must be, because sooner or later we are condemned to that, and each other's people, no matter how ridiculous or illusory it sounds to many cynical minds.
Bonus video: