The dark side of purchased titles

Holders of purchased diplomas take away the opportunity for those who strive and work diligently to acquire knowledge and achieve deserved success. Buying diplomas is not only an act of fraud, but also disrespect to all students who invest years of effort and sacrifice in their education.

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Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

School is knowledge and ignorance, but in any case it is power. There is much greater power when ignorance comes out of school, because one wrong teaching cannot be corrected by a hundred smart people. But when there is no school or knowledge, cancer develops that kills a person.

Creating a man is the most difficult job. He must be brought up by good people, and he must improve himself with better works, books, relationships with people. And nothing is easier to bring down than a man. This is never done by humans, but always by non-humans full of ignorance, who join together in alliances to destroy people and societies. Because even Jesus was not condemned by man, but by non-humans.

It is estimated that there are around 37.000 fake and purchased diplomas in Montenegro today. Holders of such diplomas take away opportunities from those who strive and work diligently to acquire knowledge and achieve well-deserved success. Buying diplomas is not only an act of fraud, but also disrespectful to all students who invest years of effort and sacrifice in their education. Any purchased diploma is an empty recognition, which cannot hide the lack of real knowledge and skills.

A society in which a degree is a commodity loses confidence in its experts and collapses the fundamental values ​​of honesty and justice. That problem of organized crime buying diplomas is decades old. And we all know individuals who work in the public sector, education, health, judiciary, police, etc. who we know became university graduates overnight and took the place of people who spent their lives and money during their studies, only to receive a piece of paper from the state and nothing more. According to more official data, there are more than 4.000 university graduates at the Labor Bureau, a significant number of whom are engaged in jobs for which they did not need a single school class. They chop wood, drive taxis, take care of sheep, sow tubers, arrange wardrobes and sell vacuum cleaners in stores, in Solar Construction they climb roofs and install panels, etc. While, on the other side, where ignorance has set in, we have increasingly poor student results, more emergency interventions by Dr. specialists in inpatients than in the emergency admissions service, due to the ignorance and incompetence of uneducated staff that destroys the reputation of entire teams and people from the profession.

Do people from the advice of parents wonder who is teaching their children? Will these grades and testimonials be valid, when it is proven that they were entered by a person with a fake diploma? In fact, why do parents' advice exist? Is the goal of parents that their children acquire knowledge or that teachers with purchased diplomas fulfill their wishes and register higher grades? Did university professors ask themselves why they devoted their whole lives to science, if they will be succeeded by ignorant people with purchased diplomas? Do citizens wonder who treats them and why they pay taxes and pay salaries to gentlemen from the prosecution and the judiciary, who have not sanctioned a single official with a fake diploma so far? Probably because a part of those 37.000 found employment with them, and they can't help themselves. A crow doesn't take its eyes off a crow.

This is an invitation to unite all sane personnel, individuals and organizations, in order to form a commission for the verification of all diplomas, except electrician diplomas, through a petition through the parliamentary procedure.

Plutocracy, partisanship and nepotism in Montenegro were expressed in all forms of government and in all systems. So Minister Joković did not say anything new or unknown, that a candidate with a membership card of his party has an advantage over the other candidates, even if that candidate has completed the "Postal Faculty", of course the others have no chance. We can't fight against that, but we have to fight against fake and purchased diplomas. Because this is not a problem, this is evil. In the event that this cannot be put to an end, we have no choice but to ask Prime Minister Spajić to open private faculties, at least in Andrijevica and Šavnik, so that our officials do not break their legs in the surrounding countries and leave money and taxes to them. for purchasing diplomas. At least we have some benefit from those pests.

Certainly, we must not underestimate anyone's ignorance, not even that which grows in our own mud, because no one knows what kind of horror is hidden there. Certainly they are not stupid people who have ignorance, they just grabbed the lie they impose on the majority, but they are stupid people with knowledge who created a system for people with bought and fake diplomas to get jobs in the public sector and thus accelerate the collapse of the state. Because they are not and cannot progress, they remain the same, but the state has collapsed to such a level that these "gentlemen" are at the top. Poor country, what its stamp fell on!

The author has a master's degree in history

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