When it had the most admirals, Britain had the least seas... It's the law of decline. Vanity labeling is mostly a way of covering up what isn't there, rather than showing what is there.
It is similar with Europe and the European political idea in today's Montenegro.
It's not here like a code John Donne: If the sea washes away even the smallest cape, there is less Europe... The Montenegrin translation is cynical: The more we talk about Europe, the less Europe there is...
The government's platform Barometar 26 has already met with mostly justified criticism as a set of general posts whose obviously first and most important function for its creators is to create the illusion of consensus in government. As well as to support the illusion of an indisputable direction where Montenegro is going.
The Prime Minister's handwriting is recognizable - good intentions that are mostly accompanied by superficiality and rashness. This is the rashness you recognize in the promotion of all his ideas, from Europe now 2 to Velje brdo, the micro metropolis that appeared to the minister Radunović, and he turned a blind eye... This kind of disagreement with what was said has followed the prime minister since he entered the public scene, that's why he constantly has to explain something additionally, to correct, to later obsess and relativize his own statements.
Superficiality speaks of an incomplete personality and a fraudulent habitus, that's why it is dangerous in politicians. Just like a scientist or a general.
This is a dangerous modus operandi for today's Montenegrin society and for another reason - this declarativeness, mere and empty rhetoric is ideal as a cover for those who think and want everything completely opposite to Europe and the European path of Montenegro.
We tend to believe that irresponsibility is not a European manner. How European does this, for example, seem to you... Millions are spent on the advisory-deputy machinery. Obviously, the creators of such a system need to "include" as many people as possible, regardless of logic and good measure. (Ayd Ali if there were more army...) They believe that this is a way to extend their stay in power? And is it? It is possible that this is just a method that will accelerate the collapse and bring the country to bankruptcy.
Such a system is certainly not a step forward compared to the one that was allegedly dismantled. Which in the end functioned for thirty years, this and this model of "embedding" cannot even withstand a third of it. A much richer country would not tolerate that...
When he announces a thirty percent salary increase for the entire systemic camaraderie, and the citizens are clearly deceived about Europe now 2, because the increases are not as announced, we should expect "punishment". And the prime minister receives clear information about it: in each subsequent election, his party fares even worse, but the model of such freakish functioning does not change? Where's the problem, then?
But let's get back to the current platform with a fancy name.
The barometer is an important device and quite old. It is an instrument used to measure air pressure. The simplest and best-known form is the barometer with mercury - it is a glass tube in which, thanks to the combination of mercury, vacuum and air, information about atmospheric pressure is obtained. The principle is simple - a change in pressure changes the height of the mercury column. The first barometer was the so-called water barometer, which is also known by the name Geteov, because it was popularized by a genius German poet. (What do these poets do...)
He is the inventor of the barometer Evangelist Toricelli, but it preceded his discovery in 1644 Galileo scientific proof from 1640 that - air has weight.
Of course, the most important question is - what will this barometer of ours show us?
An interesting name was chosen. Why a barometer? What does this prime minister's barometer measure? Pressure to go the European way or sheer obsession?
In short, the idea of a classical barometer rested on the discovery that air has weight.
The Montenegrin version, on the other hand, may reveal politicians who - have no weight.
Bonus video: