I don't know which tragedy to begin with. From the one in which thirteen citizens of Cetinje were killed or from the tragic behavior of the leaders of the government and their followers, which also killed the hope for a more humane, healthier and decent Montenegro...
To remain silent about a terrible crime is neither humane nor professional.
To write - I can't, for fear that I will inadvertently violate the norms of humanity and professionalism.
* * *
I can not only write about what happened after the crime, but I have to...
It's the seventh day since that terrible night, until then I was sure that I knew a lot about the primary diseases that affected Montenegrin society under the former government...
And then, thanks to the combination of ignorance and insolence of the (n) government - maybe in reverse order - the metastatic phase of Montenegrin politics was shown on TV screens and social networks...
And, instead of emergency therapy starting with painless resignations, the sick transformation of Cetinje into a diagnosis began...
* * *
Uh, here it is already at the beginning and I made a mistake about the grieving city. It hasn't started, but it's been going on for more than three and a half decades...
Well, most of the other Montenegrin cities were also destroyed during that time?
It is, but Cetinje differs from them (i) in that the former government destroyed it because of - revenge.
And I could now, both in depth and breadth, the ease of long-term killing of Cetinje was unbearable...
And I wanted, because this reenactment of the nineties after the murder of thirteen people from Cetinje is also killing, that a more reliable witness, Željko Dapčević, a Cetinje by birth and by choice, did not do this on my Facebook profile...
* * *
"I'm from Cetinje. I admit it. And, believe it or not, I'm proud of it.
I was born and raised in Cetinje. To the town of Oboda, Bojana, Košute, Tara, Kartonaže...
The city to which people moved because there were no unemployed people.
A city whose suburbs were Titograd on one side and Budva on the other.
To a city whose affiliation opened doors throughout Yugoslavia.
Proud City.
She is here, 'gentlemen', you are here!
And they declared our country a prison of the people, partisans criminals, brotherhood and unity treachery, social property foolishness...
The disintegration began. Everything.
And while you were distributing wealth with cannons (...) with the same ones from other sides, Cetinje sang: 'From Lovćen vila they cry, forgive us, Dubrovnik'.
You never forgave or forgot that.
And you won't!
The people of Cetinje have become traitors, Ustasha, bali...
Everything is destroyed. All the factories, where people used to make a living, have collapsed. Only Cetinje remained. Just and desolate. You had to go to work in Podgorica, a symbol of tycoon enrichment and black money.
Young men who during that period, having no way out, decided to engage in smuggling and theft, the government accepted with open arms.
And gave them nationalism.
And declared them heroes.
The natives of Cetinje remained confused and lost. Poverty moved into Cetinje. The memory of the Palace, the Billiards, the Monastery, the embassies, the schools, only contributed to the pain.
The crumbs that fell from the Master's table further humiliated the City.
Whenever necessary, flags would be removed and third-rate singers of 'patriotic songs' would be brought in, with the desire to temporarily and perfidiously rekindle the ardor of patriotism. After that, there would be even more trouble. And the suffocating silence.
In such and such Cetinje, new generations grew up who (...) now, apart from their geographical origin, have no other basis to consider themselves Cetinje.
Gentlemen, you who are spitting on Cetinje and the people of Cetinje these days have never forgiven us for our age-old freedom, with which you falsely cloak yourself when necessary.
You never forgave us the traces of culture, the capital (a word you say mockingly) and everything else that makes us citizens of Cetinje.
Don't forget, 'gentlemen', that even that Monastery that you have been mentioning and swearing so much lately was not built by you, but by us, that we have defended, guarded and preserved it for centuries.
You lost on the Neretva, on the Sutjeska, every time you used your weapons.
You lost on the way to a better and brighter tomorrow.
You have returned to the Middle Ages and imaginary victories.
Under the enticing deception of a better life, you revived the ideology of Chetnikism and fratricide. And you succeeded. You don't go into capitalism with partisans, with Sava, Gojko Kruška, Ćupić. Your heroes are Mladić, Karadžić, Šešelj... Just because of the EU money, you are not allowed to say that publicly now.
We are appalled by the horrific crime of a crazed criminal. Incomprehensible and inhuman. Even beasts don't do that.
It is a shameful stamp on the face of all human beings, and not - as you would like - on the face of the people of Cetinje.
The people of Cetinje remember with nausea and horror such faces from the columns towards Dubrovnik.
And from the hill above Sarajevo...
And from Srebrenica...
Do you remember?
'Gentlemen', Cetinje is wounded.
Badly wounded.
And, instead of letting us see the wounds in peace and mourn the lost lives, you pour salt on our wounds.
You spit on us, make fun of yourself, give us diagnoses.
If you have read the text, you will understand what the true and only diagnosis is."
* * *
They haven't read it, and even if they had, they wouldn't have understood anything. Members of the vulture army on social media are smart enough - and brave enough - just to be nameless.
And they are so disgusted with humanity that they have turned the right to public speech into an obligation to publicly insult, live, spread fake news and hate speech.
And put a sign of equality between one murderer and the whole of Cetinje.
And combined the incompatible, the epistles of Saint Peter and the messages of Nikolaj Velimirović, in the form of curses and anathemas thrown at the people of Cetinje due to alleged anti-Serb hysteria...
And then they sent those copies, screenshots, or whatever the technique is called, which only serves to multiply their inhumanity, to those whom they reasonably suspected were shaken by the tragedy...
Nobody can do anything to them, they will continue to be stronger than fate...
Until Montenegro gets an assembly and a government that are able to face the nineties.
And with their causes and consequences...
And especially with every attempt to repeat them...
* * *
Judging by his public appearances, Minister Danilo Saranović has serious problems with understanding reality... Otherwise, he would have resigned already on the night of the tragedy...
But not because of accusations that this time too the police are guilty of not preventing the crime.
No, but it was in October, and at that time the resignation was mandatory due to political responsibility for the state - not to mention the mess - in the security services...
That night, someone withdrew the policemen from Sokolac and thus enabled a double murder...
When he did not submit it in October, an additional reason to resign on the night of the Cetinje tragedy is the minister's address to the public, on two occasions.
Because, despite the fact that he is only a politician, he interrupted the professional Lazar Šćepanović multiple times both times.
And he used that intrusion for political justifications and eponymous marketing, and then denied it.
If the professional in command of the action says that the first goal of the police is the safety of all residents of Cetinje and the second is the arrest of the suspect, then that's it - period.
It is not up to the minister to correct it and put citizens' lives second.
Not because of formality and eventual vanity, but because of the terrified grieving citizens of Cetinje and the rest of Montenegro.
* * *
There is no point in even writing about the prime minister, after everything he said and did earlier...
Especially not after he dared to respond to the mass demand for accountability by trying to present the wanton trading of positions in the security services as - resignations for moral reasons...
And he suspected all Montenegrin hunters, neither guilty nor guilty, as the biggest security threat to Montenegro and everyone in it.
Trying to demonstrate his ability to manage a crisis situation, the prime minister went a step further in his attempt.
And he announced what kind of situations he will put not only hunting enthusiasts, but also all other owners of legal weapons into... Some by the end of this year, some by the end of his mandate, and some maybe by the end of his life.
- Everyone who legally owns a weapon will have to pass strict psychological and security checks by the end of the year in order to extend their license - that's how he began.
There are 68.000 of them and they own about 100.000 pistols and rifles.
And all of them have already passed the checks.
Despite this, they are all pre-branded as potential killers...
- Those who do not voluntarily hand over illegal weapons in the next two months will be rigorously punished - this is another announcement that did not have time two days after the tragedy.
But two days before, or twelve months, or any day of the prime minister's term in an attempt...
Because after taking office he had to know what we all knew much earlier...
That there are about 40.000 illegally armed people in Montenegro who have about 100.000 pistols and rifles...
And yes, what is most important for this occasion, the chronicle of murders says that they were mostly committed - with illegal weapons.
The fact that 99 percent of those murders happened during the former regime is no justification for this government, because confiscating illegal weapons is an obligation that goes without saying...
And that in all normal states...
In which, it goes without saying, Milojko Spajić could not be prime minister...
Bonus video: