A match with a known winner

The social crisis in Serbia is an ideal story about the power of PR

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Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Students will become one of the most important brands of Serbia and that is why it will now be, alongside Djokovic, recognizable in the world. I said this while appearing on the most important news show on TV Newsmax Balkans, after the editors and host asked me to wait for the broadcast of the address by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Ana Brnabić and Miloš Vučević (the day before he resigned). After Vučić's speech, the host, just as worried as Vučić, Brnabić and Vučević, asked me a question, expecting me to continue in that tone. The least he expected of me was that, in this, as he said, worrying social crisis, I would announce a new success for Serbia - students. As I said, after the defeat, and even the imminent fall of Djokovic at the Australian Open, a newly created brand of Serbia emerged. And, I truly believe that this student protest pelcer will become a model that many, primarily students, will follow. First in the region, then in Europe, and then in the world. And this is in those countries where autocratic regimes or right-wing and populist parties are in power that are leading their society backwards.

In Serbia, there is a competition between two communication models. One-way communication conducted according to the press agency and propaganda model, and two-way symmetrical communication, which is thoughtfully, well-organized, creatively and perfectly led by students. Aware of the importance of PR, and with rich experience and knowledge in this field, Vučić has created almost perfect conditions for the implementation of his one-way communication model. What are the characteristics of this model? You control all information processes, the editorial policy of almost all media and with a constant proactive approach you create topics that suit you, but the information and messages you place are based on propaganda messages, the information you give to the media is shaped the way you want others to see you. An important characteristic of this communication model is that you can be successful in complete control of the media and all communication channels. Aware of the importance of PR, he formed a large team, research agencies analyze public opinion on various topics that are important to him on a daily basis, he has teams that prepare analyses for him on all possible topics. In addition to research and analysis, there are almost a thousand people online, professionally engaged in social networks. At the head of the entire PR system he has built are those who are most important in that model, the communications strategists, a team from Israel led by Asaf Eisin.

Even after the fall of the canopy, they continued their model of aggressive, violent, persuasive communication. They used, as before, all the instruments of power at their disposal to continue to intimidate all who think differently and to encourage their followers. With daily appearances in the media, supported by their, as they call them, independent political analysts, on all national TV stations, dozens of new TV stations owned by Telekom Srbija, as well as dozens of regional and local TV stations, their seven daily newspapers, hundreds of portals, and all radio stations that have a news program, they produced conflicts both in public appearances and on the streets.

Then, on November 22nd, a new force emerged - students, and the match between two communication styles began, two completely opposite strategies for communicating with the public, two completely different models.

The answer to the question of who will win lies in PR, the science of communications. Because of the two-way model they apply, because of the strategy, because of the proactive style of communication, based on that eternal Acts speaks louder then words (Actions speak louder than words) - students win.

The students themselves have become the media. And the most influential ones at that. In that months-long game, the students, with their creativity, good organization, quality, and breadth of public appearances, based on energy, emotion, and passion, have been getting better and better results every day. They are scoring goals, and for the first time, Vučić's model, the system of violence, is scoring own goals. They are not coping well in this fight between evil and good, in the game between bad students and excellent students, in the fight between outdated, retrograde, and conservative communication and modern communication.

The power and breadth of PR, which most decision-makers, both in the state and in the economy, are unaware of, has now been revealed. On the other hand, Vučić has defined, with his team, the only possible communications strategy, because his organization has no potential for any other. His one-way model, press agencies and propaganda, was aimed at making him the central figure, according to the principles of how a cult of personality is built, where all the problems within the system he governs are blamed on others, and, if necessary, also on his members, and all the successes are his own. Such messages were aimed at building his reputation and increasing the party's rating due to his image and actions. That is why communication is centralized, with him at the head of everything, absolutely everything, that happens in Serbia, with almost complete control of the media scene, where he is the main actor, announcer or, to use the term that everyone loves, spokesperson.

The completely, absolutely, opposite model is the one used by students. Their model is based, built, on their potential - all the knowledge they have, good organization, abilities, those who deal with it appear in public. Student communication has energy, emotions, and even passion, they truly believe in what they do and say, they know that their values, togetherness, solidarity, belonging have brought them together, and united them into one powerful, winning team. They base their communication strategy on all the potential that their organization has. These are youth, creativity, specialist knowledge that their education has given them, good organization of communication, teamwork, energy, emotions, possible partnership relationships with everyone around them, the so-called stakeholders (interested publics). This makes me especially happy, because once again the PR model that I deeply believe in, which I have been applying for more than 35 years of practice, has won.

Why is their communication strategy successful? They know how to do it (know how), they know who they are dealing with, and especially they know who they are addressing (know who). They have defined goals, only 4 requirements (know where), their messages are powerful, creative and witty (know what), they know who their partners are (know with who) and, they are very creative in events (know wow).

And they themselves are the media. Who will parents, family members, relatives, neighbors, friends, other young people and other residents of the cities they come from trust more than them?! They are trusted because they are open and honest, they believe in their principles, the values ​​they represent. In addition to them, their family members, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens are becoming active media who now, through their communication, influence others in their communication network. This reaches, influences all citizens, including the members of the SNS themselves, and by God's grace, soon, also the various leaders of the SNS, because they do not believe in the words and messages that, according to the "Vučić model of communication", are imposed on them from above to convey to other citizens and in their public appearances.

And you, the staunch SNS voters, the less educated, the so-called followers, will also change your mind, because you don't have your own. And what will happen to the editors and journalists, who are part of the ruling model of communication? And they, like all the fans who cheer for the winners, will change their scarves and fan flags.

What's new with Vučić? Here, he's opened up, as if he wants dialogue, as if he respects students, as if he wants to play chess with them at Autokomanda. Those who were not allowed to speak up until now, the Prosecutor's Office, and even Dolovac, have spoken out. Suddenly, there's money in the budget for students, for educational reforms, for apartments. He's reduced their scholarships and much more. He's started with a two-way communication model, he wants dialogue.

And, nothing. Why? Well, the answer is again in the rules of communication. When someone is constantly bragging and constantly in an ego state, and constantly talking and talking, and even, by God, lying, you don't even hear them anymore, because you simply don't believe anything from them. And that's a lesson for everyone, it's hard to build credibility if you've lost it through bad actions and words.

This is the victory of open-minded people, organizations, and philosophies over closed-minded philosophy. This is what defines and distinguishes leaders, organizations, and systems. The system of one-way communication, and especially that model of press agents and propaganda, is characteristic of a closed, conservative consciousness, people, organizations, and systems. Vučić and the system he created are just like that. He is at the head of all communication (and other) processes and he manages everything. This is possible when all the instruments of power are in your hands, your ruling party, and through it the Parliament, the Government, ministries, all state organizations, including parastatals, security systems, even, very important to him, fan groups, hooligans, and those even worse than those. The only thing he does not rule completely, but even there he introduced a system, are organizations of social activities, the educational system, science, culture, healthcare, and sports. That is why these activities are marginalized, and they form the foundation of a society.

In contrast, an open-minded philosophy is the foundation of a two-way symmetrical communication model. It is a model that requires much more, above all a system in which everyone is capable and willing to communicate with the public. The result of this system is that you create trust, build long-term relationships, partners, and even friends.

The match is ongoing, but the result, no matter what, is already known.

The author is a leading regional communication expert

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