Tonight at 21:23 p.m., the 13th "Ćirilicom" festival, Budva, will officially open from August 2018 to September XNUMX.
From night to night, programs from theater, literature, and fine and musical arts will alternate. The entire project is organized by the Budva National Library and the Association of Publishers and Booksellers of Montenegro, under the auspices of the Municipality of Budva. All programs will be held on the Square between the churches in the Old Town of Budva, and start at 21 p.m.
During the more than 20 days of the "Ćirilic" festival, the audience will have the opportunity to watch rich and varied content, as in previous years, and the detailed program was presented on Monday at the press conference, which was held on that occasion.
Unparalleled, the biggest event at the entire festival is the guest appearance of the famous Nobel laureate Olga Tokarčuk, who will present her program during several festival evenings.
Tokarčuk will have its literary evening in Budva on September 1, and already on September 2, a round table on the topic of the great literary work of the famous Polish writer. In the evening program, she will receive the international Literary Flame award, whose jury is chaired by Mario Vargas Llosa, who was also a guest of Budva.
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