The proven quality of the Polish ensemble "Teatr A Part" and the enthusiasm of the audience and the jury for their play "Four More", which was performed as part of the International Alternative Theater Festival FIAT 2022, where their play "Four More" also won the award for best direction, which named after the founder of FIAT and one of the founders of alternative theater in Montenegro and the region, "Slobodan Milatović", was a serious recommendation to be included in this year's selection of the competition program.
Selector Ana Vujošević was not wrong in her assessment, so she chose the "physical-visual" theater piece "Four", even though it was created before last year's "Još četiri", to be shown to the Montenegrin audience.
The symbiosis of movement, light, space, sound, along with the beauty of imperfect female bodies, the play "Four" brings a series of stage compositions that are synchronized but freely presented by: Alina Bachara, Marta Zielonka, Aleksandra Sliwinska, Monika Wachowicz, all directed by Marcin Herich, founder and artistic director of A Part Theater.

On a dark, darkening stage, playing with shadows, subtly erotic and sensual, engaging, activist and strong, female bodies intertwine. With an emphasis on visual effects, music, darkness, silence or even noise, with perfect choreography, the actresses of the piece draw the audience into the story and little by little it seems that everyone is surrendering to their senses and individual inner voices.
Of the props, they only have fans that provide the effect of wind, nylon that they wrap around themselves, create costumes and scenography, maybe even suffocate in them, and chairs that act as a way station. The best of all props is your own body, hair, soul and emotion. The spectrum of different movements, from slow, lazy, almost dead, mechanical, to energetic, builds a special energy among them, spreads it to the audience, and elevates the work to the dimension of the abstract.

Both brave and shy, open, free, withdrawn, stingy, full of life, passion, but also fears, warnings, questions, from end to end the emotional charge of the actress leads the audience while their natural female bodies rub, cross, touch or unravel, simultaneously uniform, choreographically, rhythmically, even psychologically and emotionally coordinated or accurate, and on the other hand completely independent and their own...
Dancers, actresses, performers, and above all women on stage, face, fight, identify, and even play, with nature, the world, curses, danger, (rage) the end, with themselves, while creating scenography and costumes, and there are no better and cleaner costumes than naked bodies, revealing their beauty, charm, freedom, and never once an object or a sexual fantasy. At times, it could be said that those present in the audience are invited to explore, accept and love themselves in the most naked version, not only physically, but also emotionally, in some unattainable introspection... While the boundaries of both the physical and the mental are definitely shifting, so and the limits of expectations or comfort, from which the actresses definitely pull us out, masterfully lead us on the way to the realization of the core of ourselves.

The play was co-produced by two Polish independent theaters, Teatra A Part from Katowice and Amareya Theater & Guests from Gdańsk, and is the first part of a quadriptych under the common name "4". The author's team refers to the symbolism of the number four, which is the basis of the work, from the title to the women...
“In Japan and Korea, the words 'four' and 'death' are homophones. In European culture, it is the number of man, and it symbolizes matter and temporal order. There are four sides of the world, four seasons and four elements. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. "Four things insatiable: the abyss, the womb of a woman, earth and fire," they say in the description.
Without verbalizing, with the simple language of body and emotions, they showed the complexity and philosophy of life, but also of women in this world...
In addition to "Four", on Monday evening FIAT's audience had the opportunity again to indulge in "Disagreement", the last premiere of the Montenegrin National Theater in the 2022-2023 season, by the young Montenegrin director Damjan Pejanović, based on the text by Albert Kami. Definitely, this domestic production will give the FIAT jury additional "trouble" in the final decision when it comes to awards, considering the fantastic cast, but also the excellent directorial work of Damjan Pejanović.

In the accompanying segment of the program, a large audience in the courtyard of Kuslev's house had the opportunity to watch the film "Brooklyn Park" by Nikola Đuravčević, an author from Montenegro who has been living in New York for many years, with whom the interview followed.
Today "Crossed, dedication to love" from Slovenia and the local "Safra"
Today's program of the festival includes the plays "Crossed, Consecration of Love" from Slovenia, co-produced by Kud Apokalipsa and Mirjana Medojević, who also signs and directs, as well as "Safra", adapted, directed and performed by young Montenegrin actresses Milica Šćepanović and Marija Labudović. .
Mirjana Medojević's play will be performed in the large hall of the Cultural and Information Center "Budo Tomović" at 20 p.m., and "Safra" in Dodest at 21 p.m.
"Crossed, dedication to love" is a theatrical miniature lasting 33 minutes, says the director. She adds that the performance is a kind of reflection of the woman's self, referring to the painting "Undressed" by the Dutch painter Rembrandt.
"References to the crucifixion of Christ are present not only through the poem 'Cross and Hammer' by Primož Repar, which is read by Primož Guna at the beginning of the play, not (only) through the duration of the play which corresponds to the number of years of Christ, but primarily through a series of meta-theatrical associations that through its spatial actions and relationships, it becomes Primož Guna. A philosopher by vocation, close to Christian mysticism, in this, in many respects female theater play, he acts in his presence, and in many respects, as if he had just been taken down from the cross," the description states.
Promotion of the book "Blues of two friends in 54 weeks"
The book "Blues of two friends in 54 weeks" by Božo Koprivica and Miodrag Raičević, will be presented as part of the FIAT literary program, in the courtyard of Kuslev's house, at 22.30:XNUMX p.m.
It is a collection of essays that has been transformed into a modern novel about the fate of the main character, with tributes to artists, athletes and other actors, noted journalist Radmila Stanković.
"In addition to Božo Koprivica's writings, Miodrag Raičević's poetry is also represented. It is about inspired records, often dramatic, and predominantly about memories of people who determined Koprivica's life. In addition to prose and poetry, the collection brings together prominent names such as Danilo Kiš, Mirko Kovač, Petr Kralj, Borher, Streljcov or Garinča, as well as topics such as theater, film, football, but also cities, streets and cafes in them," the announcement states. and adds that in the rest of the evening, DJ Todoro chooses the music.
Admission to all programs is free.
Bonus video: