The exhibition "Ubi bene, ibi patria" by Lidija Vujačić

The exhibition will be opened tonight in Podgorica, in the gallery "Katarina's spells"

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Photo: Promo
Photo: Promo
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Exhibition of paintings by dr Lidija Vujacic "Ubi bene, ibi patria" will be opened today in Podgorica, in the gallery of the non-governmental organization "Katarina's spells" at Miljana Vukova Street 9, at 19 p.m.

The exhibition will be opened by an academic painter Milijana Vujović, and the event will be accompanied by poetry. He will speak his verses Natalija Novaković.

Speaking about Lidija Vujačić's paintings, Vujović pointed out that they exude purity of spirit and emotion, above all.

"Motives in the paintings of prof. Dr. Lidije Vujačić are of an urban character, urban landscapes that radiate warmth and tenderness. Strong gestural interventions, either with painted surfaces or pouring paint, are tamed in the form of a house with an unobtrusive color, building a natural coloristic balance", wrote Vujović.

She also noticed that the colorful houses painted by Vujacic carry character and create the atmosphere of the work...

"Houses or objects look more like subjects, personalities with emotion, identity, who are in constant interaction with others. Lidia's paintings clearly, albeit in a fairy-tale way, tell us that the author speaks, that is, tells stories with colors, about different individuals, interpersonal relationships, that is, about the society we live in, the natural and socio-cultural environment, the beauties, but also the problems of the modern era," the painter believes.

Vujović added that, if Lidija Vujačić's paintings are viewed as connected compositions, it is noticeable that the author "thinks anthropologically, and works artistically on canvas."

"The pictures show the special artistic gift and pleasure of creation of the author herself. It is a wonderful bouquet of emotions that help change the world for the better. In that name, stop for a moment, feel their positive energy and dialogue with the observer and you will be very satisfied", says Vujović.

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