New edition of the capital "History of the Montenegrin People" by Dr. Drago Živković: A turning point in domestic historiography

Živković's book is based on facts, archival material, relevant historical sources and not on assumptions, tradition, epic narrative, myth and forgery

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

It gives me the honor and great pleasure to present the 2nd edition of the 1st book History of the Montenegrin people: from the Old Stone Age to the end of the Middle Ages (2023), published by Matica Montenegrin, Dr. Drago Živković, a dear man whom I knew personally when I was working and living in Cetinje, just at the time of writing his book, in the eighties of the last century. I have unforgettable memories of conversations with Dr. Dragoj and Dr. Vojislav P. Nikčević, his inseparable companion and friend. I listened to their extraordinary, and for me new, story about the past of Montenegro and other important issues related to Montenegro and Montenegrins. That acquaintance with them, quiet and peaceful people and excellent intellectuals and experts, opened my eyes and horizons in seeing the historical truth about Montenegro and the Montenegrin people throughout history, as well as many others.

When his book was published in 1989 History of the Montenegrin people, the first under that title in the history of Montenegrin historiography, as an attempt at a new synthesis and approach in processing the comprehensive and integral past of Montenegro, as an authentic work - I was not only delighted but also fascinated, especially by its title.

Until Drago's book, more was published history of Montenegro: Bishop Vasilija, Bishop Peter I, Sime Milutinović Sarajlija, Milorad Medaković, Dimitrija Milaković, Đorđe Popović, as a representative of the so-called romantic schools, which are based more on tradition and literature than on historical sources.

Not even historiographical syntheses Jagoš Jovanović, Branko Pavićević, Pavel Apolonović Rovinski and others, are not titled under the name of the nation, but of the state. It was also published in several volumes History of Montenegro (and unfinished), in three books and four volumes (1967-1975), which Dragoje reviewed critically in almost 80 pages, in the magazine "Creation" (1977).

And it doesn't matter if the title History of Montenegro or History of the Montenegrin people, especially in the long duration of their assimilation or denial, as well as the dilemma of whether Montenegro created and created the Montenegrins as a people or whether the Montenegrin people under three names (Dukljani - Zećani - Montenegrins) created the same country and state under three names - Duklja - Zeta - Montenegro.

Relevant historians and other scientists and intellectuals wrote about it.

This very title History of the Montenegrin people, more than the conception, method and content of Dr. Drago Živković's book caused a real storm in both the professional and political public, even though, for example, there were histories of Serbian, Croatian, Russian and other peoples under national and national names.

The author of the book, although a doctor of historical sciences, was called a non-expert, a heretic, a nationalist, a separatist and other derogatory names, just because he wrote the history of his own people, and this happened in a time of miracles and absurdity, which still continues as a many-eyed and many-headed monster. .

The author had no one to protect except his work and historical truth, in his own country, in his own people, from experts and laymen.

At that time, it was not known, for example, about Njegošev History of the Montenegrin people, created as a manuscript under his supervision, from his intellectual environment. Bishop Petar II prepared this history, in manuscript, with Dimitrije Milaković and other collaborators in 1837 for the Russian Tsar Nicholas I and sent by Jakov Nikolajevic Ozereckovski, when he was staying in Montenegro, and brought it prepared to the Russian emperor. It served as the basis of the aforementioned manuscript A short history of Montenegro Bishop Petar I Petrović Njegoš, but also other sources.

Manuscript of Njegoševa History of the Montenegrin people is written in Russian calligraphy, translated from Montenegrin into Russian, probably done by Ozereckovski himself. In Vienna or Petrograd, the manuscript was bound in a luxurious cover, with gold printing. And fortunately preserved to this day.

Without going into detail about this interesting story about Njegoš's History, because it would not be appropriate, I just wanted to point out its title.

And just to add: Dr. Branko Pavićević first pointed to it in 1967 in a text about Jakov N. Ozereckovski's stay in Montenegro in 1837, and he published a shorter text only in 1992.

It can be concluded that Njegoš, although very young, at the age of 24, knew and felt how he should really and truly title the History manuscript sent as a gift to the Russian emperor. That he did not do it by accident or out of ignorance and inexperience is evidenced by the fact that he always used the phrase Montenegrin people. This is evidenced by numerous documents and his words at the last hour. Njegoš's last words and the latter prayer for Montenegro and the people of which he was bishop and master were: "O great Self-Creator, help the poor but heroic Montenegrin people, keep them in harmony and chivalrous honesty" (M. Medaković).

And Njegos must be trusted! But who knows how he would have fared at the time when Dragojev's History appeared, and only today?!

Dr. Dragoje Živković prepared and engaged in scientific research for more than two decades, at a mature age and in full physical and intellectual strength, when he set out to write a critical, true history of the Montenegrin people and Montenegrins. And he was in the right place: the director of the State Archives in Cetinje and the Central National Library "Đ. Crnojević", on the source of archival materials, sources and literature.

And in addition to everything else, he had the gift and courage, knowledge and experience, will and work ethic and faith in what he was doing. He did the work that institutions were supposed to do, but he himself became and remained an institution.

An avalanche of dogmatic historiography and politics fell upon him when he critically reflected on the multi-volume History of Montenegro (1967-1975), but that calamity culminated with the publication of his History of the Montenegrin people (1989). A separate book could be made about it. And this book has a really interesting history of its own. The author and his reviewers went through real hell. The book was published by the author's friends. He, Vojislav P. Nikčević, brothers Radojevic They are happy i Danilo, Milorad Stojović, Branko Banjević, Sreten Perović etc. they were declared nationalists and separatists, while their eyes were closed to increasingly aggressive Serbian nationalists and nationalism, which was already undermining the foundations of Montenegro.

Together with the aforementioned circle, the so-called according to the autochthonists, he was in the White Book, and his texts were on the list of prohibited books - Indexu librorum prohibitorum.

Personal and scientific disparagement of his personality and underestimation of his work did not stop. But he bore it all stoically and with dignity, and his History withstood the test of time and relevant historical science and historians, as his capital, life's work and the crown of his scientific work.

Dragoje Živković opened the door to the historical truth about Montenegrins as a special people and nation, which differed from the concept of civic historiography about Montenegro and the Đilasian view of the Montenegrin nation, which is derived from its statehood and Serbian ethnic tree. So, Dr. Dragoje Živković touched the wasp, which cannot calm down.

He wrote the history of his people, which is not an offshoot from someone else, but arose from his own ontological being, as a natural - historical category. That is why his writing is characterized as a heresy, and he as a heretic, and his History as an apocryphal work. And she appeared as the ghost of the truth about Montenegro and Montenegrins.

It is based on facts, archival material, relevant historical sources and not on assumptions, tradition, epic narrative, myth and forgery.

The history of the Montenegrin people and the territory of Montenegro are intertwined. And geography has its own history!

Although the area of ​​Montenegro changed in its thousand-year past, where several civilizations and cultures were replaced, Dr. Dragoje Živković observes it integrally, pointing out that it occasionally and partially belonged more or less to other states and empires.

The book is structured in eight chapters.

In the first, the prehistoric period is covered, through the main geological eras and old cultures. In the second, the Montenegrin area in the Roman-Byzantine era is given. The third is dedicated to the oldest period of Montenegrin ancestors, the immigration of Slavs and their mixing with the ancients, the formation of the Dukljan state, its growth, and then its weakening. In the fourth, the author talks about the domination of Raška over Duklja, that is, Zeta. The fifth chapter gives a picture of the cultural situation in Zeta during the Nemanjic period. In the next, sixth chapter, the author writes about the restoration of the independent Zeta state for the reign Balsic, and in the seventh chapter about Crnojevics and their contribution to the foundation of the Montenegrin state. And in the final, eighth chapter, the author talks about the cultural assets of the era of Balšić and Crnojević. At the end, an extensive list of the most important sources and literature used, a biography of the author and registers of personal names, geographical and ethnic names are given as useful aids in using this voluminous book.

The scientific and cultural value of Dr. Drago Živković's book is indisputable, as is its mission and impact on historiography, literature, education and, in general, on the awareness and self-awareness of a large part of the Montenegrin people, intellectuals, and society in general.

Unfortunately, later, due to the force of induction from the outside, there was a disintegration in the Montenegrin national and national being. However, Dragoje's work freed the blocked path to the truth, opened the ontological gate of knowledge about the Montenegrin people, Montenegrin science, language, identity - about Montenegro as a whole. It made a breakthrough and a big turn in the historiography of Montenegro, Montenegrins and the Montenegrin people as a whole.

After 30 years of the first edition of this milestone book and the death of its author, it is time to return to the historiographical truth and the messages it carries for both experts and ordinary readers.

Dr. Dragoje Živković, with his name and work, is still present today with a large part of his people, those who have not become "someone else's dinner". With this book, he once again returns to the memory of his people, about whom he wrote a book under his authentic name - History of the Montenegrin people, 152 years after that of Njegoš.

After Drago's History of the Montenegrin people, it is only Dr. Radoslav Rotković published A short illustrated history of the Montenegrin people (1992) and Dr. Živko Andrijašević voluminous Montenegrin history (2019), a capital work in the genre of synthesis of the Montenegrin past.

Thus, this edition of Matica Montenegrin came at the right time, with the hope that they will also print the remaining two volumes.

Bonus video: