In the organization of Matica srpska - Society of Members in Montenegro, JU "Zahumlje" and Tourist Organization Nikšić, the poetry debut of Miljan Mijušković, the recently published collection "Tien Šan Heights" was promoted.
According to the President of the Municipality of Nikšić, Marko Kovačević, we become poets only when we let our poems go on by themselves and enable them to lead someone else on the journey to the "Tien Shan Heights".
"This book is a journey through life, the unspoken one in everyday life, the one that the heart lived, that the soul reached in its ups and downs. That is why this book is also a confession...Like when you recognize in the eyes of your children the eyes of the one who gave birth, her tenderness and love, you will also recognize it in the poetry of Miljan Mijušković. And all those blind paths that led nowhere and those that led to the 'Tien Šan Heights', which turned into verses and became songs that make up this collection of poetry. And yet, they are all their own, special, poems and lives, just as our children are new people who will live their lives beyond us," said Kovačević, who has been writing poetry for years.
As he said, in order to understand all this, we must not remain "intact and whole, and we must know that vulnerability is power."
"We must become antiquity and the Middle Ages. Saved from better versions of ourselves. The special feature of Miljan's poems are their titles, real signposts on both easy and steep paths. And their essence - touched and peeled, like that big fish in 'The Old Man and the Sea', to know the life that is worth it if you live it with your loved ones, looking for that thought that you knew at birth and immediately forgot. That you don't grow wolverine claws with which you hurt others. In the poems "Life without a neighbor" and "Wolverine", Miljan is unusual way reveals the essence of our lives. When you first save yourself and live without your neighbor, you are selfish. When you first save the world and do not think of yourself, you are a slave to the world. To have your neighbor and love him as yourself freedom and to love him, to live with him, that is the fullness that we do not have without this reciprocity. The whole to which we all strive (if we are intact and whole then we have no one to become a whole with), which when we fill the missing part with the wrong part we become - a mistake and mutants", believes Kovačević.
From the "Height of the Tien Shan", in the translation of the heavenly mountains, it is easy to fall and break, if the balance is not maintained.
"But the moment of realization is the pier that reveals the essence of the ship, which says that you have to keep sailing, dancing, to remember the danger from which you were born, to come again to the moment when someone will undo all your shores, when only sailing remains a possibility "And suddenly a new whole will touch the white mountains of Tien Šan. You will be noticed and become a target from them first, and you will merge with it forever," said Kovačević.
According to Prof. Dr. Drago Perović, picture and word, verbal and visual, are two springboards for man's orientation in the universe and jumping out of the ordinary world.
"Always in that millennial duel, the word appears as a man's poetic catharsis, as a transformation of images and feelings, a purification that, due to the stagnancy of life between the shallowness of the stirred and chattering everyday life and the inscrutability of the 'divine mountains' of silence, can never be brought to an end, and carried out poetically This is why this Miljan collection, as a young man's purification, is 'turned' against him and heralds two new collections, two new purifications not only of the author and the atmosphere in which he creates, but also of these collections themselves," said Perović.
As he pointed out, if there was no loss at the contact points of the relation experienced-uttered-understood, man would not be man at all, there would be no creative impulse in man. Likewise, love that is not wounded is not poetry.
"Only then does the material body, if it is without a neighbor who is no longer 'toothpaste', become spiritual, poetic, 'a pronoun without a noun / life without a verb /.../ a derivative without a derivative'. And even Nietzsche's mastery cannot help you 'for everything', nor Schleiermacher's idea that 'you know better about the other who he / than himself.' that thirst in you. And as long as it is about her, none of us must judge the poet and the philosopher, even though every reading of "The Height" is a trial in which the cry of the word is inaudible before the judicial council, because it has condemned in advance every word that it was not sung the way it is written in the human law," said Perović.
The poet and director of the Nikšić Theater, Radinko Krulanović, advised Mijušković to surround himself with poetry and not to be surprised that he would meet with what he did not expect.
"You will see that poetry has sharp thorns, but let it be a consolation that they hurt beautifully. You will see your god, you dared to walk on the heights. Then hold on to the clouds because there is no other help for you. Hold on to the opening words, even though they hurt head, because the word is love and a dream and something else...You are not the only one who sees miracles and power in poetry, but you see both beautifully , arabesque, mosaic, continuous tremor of the primordial vow that the song will salt everything," said Krulanović.
According to him, the special features of the "Heights of Tien Shan" collection are sophisticated rapture, wonderful musicality, good rhythm, melodiousness of Baezova, Clapton and Dylan.
"The songs are sonorous, singable, without overcrowding, in a wonderful harmony of tones and words, opening the field of a wonderful reflective lyricism which, in my view, is a prerequisite for quality poetry. Miljan's poetry is rhythmic and does not quarrel with itself... The collection is beautiful intoxicated, bravely going to meet life", said Krulanović and welcomed Mijušković to "deep purple" and "freedom that serves the first one who comes across".
Mijušković thanked everyone who helped the book see the light of day and be promoted, especially the publishing houses "Štampar Makarije" from Belgrade and "Obodsko slovo" from Podgorica, as well as the publisher Radomir Uljarević, who turned his poetic dream into reality.
The verses were spoken by the actor Velizar Kasalica and the author, accompanied on the guitar by the musician Nemanja Popović, while the moderator of the evening was the writer Milica Bakrač. The surprise of the evening was Miljan's daughter Vasilisa, who by reciting the song her father dedicated to her mother showed that she confidently rules the stage and that the awards she received as a young reciter were well deserved.
The promotion was organized as part of the September Days of Culture.
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