And this year, Kotor hosted inspiring film stories, ideas and conversations through the fifth international film festival "Catch a Film Kotor 2024".
During the three days, a series of events, workshops and screenings were organized which, according to the organizers, celebrated inclusiveness and the role of persons with disabilities (PWD) in culture.
"Through the screening of 20 short films from around the world, the festival managed to once again draw attention to the strength, will and incredible potential that each protagonist carries," the announcement states.
The festival program had a special focus on the local community, from the youngest preschoolers, who participated in the "I Love Film" program, to the high school students of the Kotor Gymnasium, where an important panel discussion was held on inclusive terminology and the rights of PWDs. Also, the festival was an opportunity to connect representatives of PWD organizations from different parts of Montenegro and beyond.
"One of the significant moments of the festival was the workshop "The World of Silence", which brought the sign language and culture of the Deaf and hard of hearing closer to the community of Kotor. Panels such as "Strength of will: Stories of Paralympians" and "Media without barriers: Ethics and practice of reporting on disability" they opened the door for discussion about key topics and challenges faced by PWDs. Dejan Dabić's masterclass was important for film professionals, who spoke about the work behind the scenes, about the art of festival programming and film selection," the announcement states.
The festival was also a place where young people, professionals and artists could meet, exchange experiences and work together to build a more inclusive society, so in the Croissant, coffee and short stories segment, actor Slaviša Grubiša spoke about how an artist works between acting and freedom.
Strong, creative and successful artists spoke at the festival in the Atrium of the Cultural Center - Dubravka Drakić about the magic of acting, and the writer Jasenka Lalović about the power of Bastadur.
"With the support of numerous partners and sponsors, "Uhvati film Kotor" continues to expand its vision and mission - promoting equality and understanding through art and film. The festival also had its own sub-programs - "Uhvati film Network" financed by the Film Center of Montenegro and the project Change/Promjena "Change/Promjena" which is implemented as part of the program "IN THE RIGHT TIME - Support to human rights defenders and CSOs in the field of promotion of human rights and development of democratic culture", and which is implemented by non-governmental organizations NGO "Juventas", HelpMontenegro, NGO "Center for Monitoring and Research - CEMI", NGO "Queer Montenegro" and Open Center Bona fide with the support of the Delegation of the European Union and co-financing by the Ministry of Public Administration", said the organizers.
They point out that "Catch Film Kotor" has an increasing influence on the local community, encouraging young people to actively engage in issues of inclusion and human rights, and contributes to the cultural development of the city and strengthens cooperation with similar festivals in the region, making Kotor a recognizable center of inclusive cultural events.
"The vision of the festival expands every year, with the intention of inspiring other cities and communities to embrace inclusivity as a fundamental principle of social progress".
The festival is organized by NVU Art 365 with the support of the Municipality of Kotor, Tourist Organization of Kotor, Film Center of Montenegro, Ministry of Culture and Media, Secretariat for Culture, Sports and Social Activities of the Municipality of Kotor, Cultural Center "Nikola Đurković" Kotor, Resource Center for Hearing and Speech PhD Peruta Ivanović", Gymnasium Kotor, JPU Radost Kotor, Cinematheque of Montenegro. The festival was also supported by business entities: CKB banka, Voli, Coca Cola, Alter Modus, Enjoy Boat Tour and Nikšićko pivo.
The Uhvati Film Festival Kotor is part of the regional network Uhvati Film Film Festival, which is realized in Novi Sad, Rijeka and Banja Luka.
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