Reading of Sergej Pavlović's play

On the CNP Studio Stage tonight "Your true self or the Modern fairy tale about surrogates"

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Photo: promo
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Public reading of the play "Tvoje pravo ja ili Moderna bajka o zamenčadim", authored by a master's degree student in the Drama and Theater study program at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, Sergej Pavlovic, will be held today at the Studio Stage of the Montenegrin National Theater (CNP) at 20 p.m.

"The drama 'Tvoje pravo ja i Moderna bajka o zamenčadim' follows the relationship between a young mother, an influencer, and her daughter, a blogger who turns out to have autism. The mother reacts to this by deciding to devote her influence to raising awareness and online activism - however, her narrow and limited definition of normal, as well as her obsession with approving and judging the environment, leads to even greater problems in the relationship with her daughter," the CNP press release states. -a.

The play will be read by young Montenegrin actresses Jovana Brnović, Anđela Marunović i Mina Micovic, and the entrance is free.

"By organizing a public reading, the Montenegrin National Theater contributes to the presentation and promotion of contemporary Montenegrin drama and dramaturgy and encourages the development and affirmation of young authors in the field of dramatic arts," they say.

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