When the observer begins to dream the same

The exhibition of paintings by Dragan Pečurica is open in Podgorica, in the hall of KIC "Budo Tomović" until December 16

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Pechurica and Sarap at the opening, Photo: KIC Budo Tomović
Pechurica and Sarap at the opening, Photo: KIC Budo Tomović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Immerse yourself in the world of artistic handwriting Dragana Pečurica is a vertical sign, that you really have talent, says PhD candidate in cultural studies and playwright dr Maria Sarap, and the solo exhibition of Dragan Pečurica's paintings was opened in Podgorica, in the exhibition hall of the Cultural and Information Center "Budo Tomović" until December 16.

It is a talent, she explains, for cathartic contemplation.

Picture of Dragan Pečurica
Picture of Dragan Pečuricaphoto: Private archive

"A sign that you have open valves or chakras towards the visible worlds and those that we wear under the mustache, hair, nape of the neck. With which we shudder, where the eye tears without control, and we live on keys, consoles, timings, and we know how to (pre)feel, lick the baroque display of spiders, pause over the illuminated window in the "fourth wall" of Pečuriča's art song... Smell the sound of the sea. .. Seeing unprecedented situations, close to everyone... And all of that puts us together in a quadrant of beauty, from the art of painting, framed physically and transferred to the ramp metaphysics and metafiction," Sarap pointed out about the painter's works.

Pečurica is a painter of particularity who does not create for the sake of presentation, nor to enter the guild, but in the Bokesh, essential, cosmopolitan, spiritual and soulful way, she stated.

A writer Miraš Martinović he said earlier that Dragan Pechurica today certainly belongs to the more interesting and skilled authors of contemporary Montenegrin painting.

"It is not academic, but it is a superb, unique manuscript on the art scene in Montenegro and much wider and much further afield," Martinović pointed out.

Picture of Dragan Pečurica
Picture of Dragan Pečuricaphoto: Private archive

The exhibition at the KIC includes 18 paintings in the oil on canvas technique, and the artistic direction is magical realism, in which the observer ecstatically and mysteriously indulges.

Pečurica's dreams are a different dimension of artistic "writing", Sarap points out and adds that his paintings should not and cannot be retold.

"The mushroom certainly draws - it implies the sociological discourse in which it creates. It is a completely normal reflection that is expected in any art. Its artistic specificity is precisely that it decently refers to what it actually is. Its signs are hidden. Seemingly explicit in the first glance of the observer, but they always bring him back to the next and subsequent "watching". That's where the metafiction happens. When the observer begins to dream the same," says Sarap.

Dragan Pechurica was born in 1963 in Kotor. He exhibited at several joint and independent exhibitions in the country and abroad. He lives and works in Herceg Novi.

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