The bridge of books - thirty years of CID

The story continues. It is based on the belief that the path paved with books is more human and meaningful

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Dedication to one activity is a kind of service. It is a response to the call of the times, which its employees hear and understand. CID responded to that call three decades ago.

The idea of ​​this publishing house was born from a spark that fell from one of the stars in Gutenberg's galaxy. Star Crnojevica, in that constellation of Europe at that time, was among the first to shine. It was an era that heralded the dawn of modern Europe, marked the noon of the Ottoman Empire and predicted the twilight of the then Balkan states.

The enlightened ruler of the then Montenegro published the word from the East with a printing press from the West. And he showed that the sovereignty of the state and the identity of the people are not defended and established only with a sword, but, above all, with a book. His printing press shared the fate of his country. Both the mission of the book and the idea of ​​the state were covered, for a long time, by the ashes of time. Beneath him was kept the ember from which the fire of modern Montenegrin culture and its statehood will be renewed.

Symbolically, in the year when Montenegro celebrated five hundred summers since its publication oktoiha, CID publishing house was founded. From then until today, this publishing house has published about 700 books within twenty libraries.

Many of these titles, which are part of the cultural heritage of both the West and the East, appeared in translation for the first time not only in Montenegro, but also in South Slavic culture. These are books Rovinski i Brodella, Toynbee i Sorokin, Spektorskog i Syringe, Pound i Petražickog, Solovyov i Volerstina, Augustina i Fyodorova, Nesmelova i Friedrich, Phase i Zenjkovski, Joyce i Cool down...

Contribution to the duration, shape and uniqueness of Montenegro are numerous books of travelogues and records of those who came to Montenegro. We did not have their testimonies about us in our language for a long time.

Therefore, it is justified to say that CID bridge of books in the contemporary culture of Montenegro. A bridge that brought the joy of reading to many, brought closer the meaning of culture and indicated that it is the last defense of a society and its state.

And a road leads to every bridge. He is longer than the traveler. This knowledge gives birth to a wistful feeling of transience. In some, the virtues of modesty and gratitude develop from it. We owe gratitude and respect to many editors and collaborators who invested their intelligence, knowledge and humanity in shaping CID's story. Unfortunately, some of them were written out of the book of the living. One of them is the conscientious and reliable director of CID Žarko Radonjić, who successfully and for a long time wrote this publishing story.

And the story continues. It is based on the belief that the path paved with books is more human and meaningful.

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