When someone is ready for anything

To forget both himself and his profession - and to continue to forget both himself and his profession to this day - that was the price Svetislav Gavrilovich had to pay in order to "realize" himself in troubled times.

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Svetislav Popović and Aleksandar Keković (left), Photo: ucg.ac.me
Svetislav Popović and Aleksandar Keković (left), Photo: ucg.ac.me
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

It seems that in the meantime the matter has come down to one single question - who am I - to call out the (defunct) profession because of this and because of that - just me - and not, for example, some young architect - very young, very sweet - and very successful ! I can already see the high heel and the accompanying leg (silk stocking and a very decent halter flare) that stepped out of the BMW 7 Protection - on the left, of course...

And since what I'm serving you lately is a bit too bitter - I'm aware of that - I'll try to thicken the honey a bit - and reduce the bile a bit - for your benefit...


So, the absolute collapse of (our) planning and urban planning profession (defunct) has a name - fanfare please: Svetislav Gavrilov Popović!

I am not saying that Svetislav Gavrilović is the only representative of the (defunct) profession who sold faith for dinner - there are countless "experts" who were willing to help and who continue to help the so-called. decision-makers in the devastation of the territory of Montenegro - a resource that, as the sweetest for "valorization", was always the first to be attacked - and none of the mentioned experts suffered any consequences for their shameful actions in the past period - quite the opposite - the experts continue to give selfless contribution to the betterment - but when it was necessary to "expertly" amine Milojkov fantasies about the hard city of Milojkovac and Slavenov the decision to make the miracle happen right on Velje brdo, on the outskirts of Podgorica - the honor went to none other than, fanfare please: Svetislav Gavrilov Popović! - who never waited, as he once said, for things to happen to him - instead, he bravely stepped forward and happened to "things, people, events" - and first of all to the area of ​​Montenegro.

At about the same time when Minister Gvozdimir happened - in the second half of 2006 - Svetislav Gavrilović also happened - who first appeared in Budva - both as a member and as a reporter for urban planning and as the president of numerous so-called review commissions - or so-called commission for expert evaluation, as it was called then - which provided an incalculable contribution to the morphogenesis of Budva in the last two decades - by giving positive opinions - i.e. consent - to shameful planning documents - the number of them is unknown - which formally covered irreversible (irreparable, non-refundable) rampage in the area of ​​Budva - the queen of Montenegro tourism.

Svetislav Popović and Branimir Gvozdenović (left)
Svetislav Popović and Branimir Gvozdenović (left)photo: Ucg.ac.me

"Members of Popović's professional team who made a historic contribution to the present-day appearance of Budva," it says Branka Plamenac in the text entitled Stopped construction of apartments in Budva and Petrovac: How the profession supported the construction lobby” and published on February 10, 2017, “were, among others, an architect Ranko Đurašević, plans Dragoljub Markovic (who knows how to separate his opinion when he judges that it is wise to do so - op.a.), engineer Dragan Žinić... ".

I only hope that this young doctoral student - very young, very sweet - who has the task of selflessly laying her youth on the altar of the character and works of Svetislav Gavrilović - through the painstaking collection of research material about his actions - will be able to determine herself adequately according to Svetislav's absolute readiness Gavrilović to spit... OK, I'm sorry... to forget both himself and his profession - and to continue to forget both himself and his profession to this day - which was the price that Svetislav Gavrilović had to pay in order to "come true" in the upside-down times - so that the star of Svetislav Gavrilović would shine in the always gloomy sky of CG planning and urbanism (extinguished).

"Architect Popović participated in the creation of more than 20 planning documents for the area of ​​the municipality of Budva in the role of chairman or member of the evaluation team", says Branka Plamenac in the mentioned text and continues: "He gave a professional, green light to the urbanization model of Zavala, the center of Budva, for Bečići . The professional expertise of Dean Popović and his team also passed the freak Ralevic the determinant "recommended storeys", which in translation means - the investor can build as many floors as he decides - which definitely destroyed the area of ​​Budva and Petrovac."

And if I tell you that Svet's mentor during his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade was none other than the (unfortunately) famous, fanfare please: Miodrag Ralević - who, among other things, in 2008 signed his signature in front of AF UBG , decorated the notorious DUP "Budva - centar" and the notorious DUP "Bečići" - and not long after - in 2010 - after Sveto gave a "positive opinion" on the mentioned - shameful planning documents - and Svet's doctoral dissertation.

Sveto Gavrov is actually a scoundrel - a man who unreservedly represents the interests of the so-called decision bearer - the sold soul - which, from the other thousands and tens of thousands of sold souls who operated and are currently operating on the territory of Montenegro, our mother, stands out only in one - Saint Gavrov managed to "valorize" the services he provided to the aforementioned the so-called decision-makers (and) on the call-academic level - regardless of the fact that the direct consequence of that valorization was mentioned - the absolute collapse of (our) planning-urban profession (extinguished).


OK, all that Milojko and Slaven asked from Professor Svetislav Gavrilović - as the first and repeatedly proven "expert" among Montenegrin planners and urban planners - was a "positive opinion" both on the idea of ​​the town of Milojkovac and on Slaven's idea that Milojkovac should be located on Velje hill - that is, to the shamefully innovated Draft of Amendments and Supplements to the Spatial-Urban Plan of the Capital City of Podgorica - which did not represent to Professor Svetislav Gavrilović no problem - so many times he went out to meet the so-called decision-makers - without saying once - Please, gentlemen, based on the fact that in Montenegro there is no institution that deals with planning and urbanism, allow me to form a working body - made up of female architects - many young, many cute - and equally young and equally sweet architects - my former students - and to give that working body the task of reconsidering Milojko's decision to start the "Milojkovac" project and Slaven's decision to Milojkovac is located right on Velje brdo - strictly from the professional side, please - and if possible, propose another solution - a less controversial solution - a sustainable solution - taking into account, of course, the key imperative: It must be built!

If he was lucky, professor Svetislav Gavrilović would have done that - if he existed - and the inspector Svetislav Gavrilović - who exists - did the same thing he did every time...

Bonus video: