Covering our mouth and nose to keep us warm, hot drinks before leaving the house, brisk walking or running home when it's cold outside - actually only harms us.
1. Mouth breathing while outside
When you breathe through your mouth, you cannot warm the air or moisten it, which increases the likelihood of developing angina. Relax and simply breathe through your nose, slowly and deeply.
2. We cover the mouth and nose with a scarf
Although we warm to it, sometimes it can be even worse for us. For example, when it is very cold. Then the air we exhaled can turn into ice if it falls directly on a scarf or coat. Then you will be even colder, and because of this you are exposed to the risk of angina, bronchitis and skin irritation, writes "Brightside". It's okay to cover your face, but don't cover your nose.
3. We run home shivering from the cold
If you are outside in low temperatures, it is good to warm up somewhere for a few minutes, but then continue on. Don't run home when you're cold, because then you'll feel even colder and worse.
4. We wear clothes and shoes that are too tight
In this case, you will freeze sooner if you wear tight clothes and shoes, than comfortable and wider ones. The air between the layers actually warms you.
5. We drink hot drinks before leaving the house
If it's very cold outside, it's better to drink a glass of water or anything else at room temperature before going out, because if you drink a warm drink, your body will lose heat too quickly and that's why you'll get cold very quickly. Hot tea or coffee increases circulation and improves the body's defense mechanisms, but also dilates blood vessels.
6. We leave hungry
In order for the body to produce enough body heat, it needs energy, otherwise you will freeze as soon as you leave the house. That's why you should eat at the very sign of hunger.
7. You warm yourself with alcohol while you are outside
You will feel warmer only 30-40 minutes after the drink. Then the body will suddenly start to cool down.
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