Signs and symptoms are signals of certain diseases in the body, they signal to us that something is wrong. Signs of illness are those obvious things that are objectively measurable and can be noticed by others around us, while symptoms are what a certain person feels and are often individual.
However, you must know that having a sign or symptom of a disease does not mean that you have that disease. For example, redness on the skin can be a sign of completely harmless conditions, such as a mild reaction to a plant or various infections.
Cancer is a disease that can cause almost any sign and symptom, since the symptoms of cancer depend on where the cancer has appeared and what organs or tissues it has affected. There are some common signs and symptoms common to most tumors. However, just because you have signs and symptoms of cancer doesn't mean you have it.
Unexplained weight loss
Most people with cancer will lose weight. If you are not on a diet, and you lose 3 to 5 kg, this can be a warning sign.
Elevated temperature
It is one of the more common symptoms, it often appears already in more serious situations, but sometimes it can also appear in the very early stage of cancer.
Tiredness and exhaustion that does not improve with rest can be a symptom of cancer. Fatigue and exhaustion appear in some crabs at a very early stage, e.g. in lung cancer.
Pain in some cancers can appear very early, e.g. in bone cancer. A headache that does not go away except under the influence of pills can be a symptom of a brain tumor, back pain can be a symptom of colon cancer, ovarian cancer... However, with most forms of cancer, the pain appears only when it significantly spreads beyond the affected organ.
Skin changes
Not only skin cancer will cause changes on the skin, that is why you should react to every change (if the skin has become yellowish, veins have become accentuated, if pigmentation spots appear) and especially if you notice: the skin looks darker in certain areas, yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes , itchy skin that does not go away, excessive hair growth, hair loss, any change in the appearance of moles.
Prolonged constipation or diarrhea
Long-term constipation or diarrhea that does not go away, and changes in bowel movements can signal colon cancer. Also, react to any trace of blood in the stool or urine.
Wounds that don't heal
Skin cancer often causes sores that do not heal. Also, a long-lasting sore in the mouth can be a warning signal.
White spots in the mouth or on the tongue
In fact, all changes in the mouth that do not go away in a short period of time should be seen by a doctor.
Unusual bleeding or discharge
Coughing up blood, nosebleeds, blood in the stool, discharge or urine is a warning signal. If you are not injured and you see blood anywhere, contact a doctor.
Lumps are especially noticeable when it comes to breast or lymph node cancer. But anywhere you notice a lump see a doctor to get it checked out.
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