These are signals that you are missing something

If you lack several vitamins and minerals at the same time, it is best to choose complexes that provide all essential vitamins and minerals from food
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Ažurirano: 08.11.2015. 10:32h

The body always "tells" us what it lacks, but it is up to us to recognize it. Find out what the frequent signals say - whether a supplement of vitamin B, magnesium is needed.

The diet of today's man is reduced to processed food full of preservatives, which often has a high caloric value, but little nutritional value. In the case of a lack of certain vitamins, unusual symptoms may occur, the body's signals that something is missing.

Biting your nails? You may be deficient in calcium

Some people develop the habit of biting their nails from an early age as a response to stressful situations. However, if the need arises suddenly, the possible cause is a lack of calcium and other minerals. The composition of nails is similar to that of human bones, so biting can be a way of compensation.

Bleeding gums and nose due to vitamin C deficiency

This is very common in smokers, individuals who drink a lot of coffee and alcohol. These substances interfere with the absorption of vitamins important for the normal functioning of the body.

Muscles cramp due to lack of magnesium and potassium

Lack of potassium, magnesium and other electrolytes can cause muscle cramps. This most often happens shortly after physical exertion at rest.

Gums occur as a result of vitamin B deficiency

Skin cracks, redness and a burning sensation on the edges of the lips can be a sign of iron, zinc, and B group vitamins such as niacin deficiencies. They occur more often in vegetarians who do not get enough of these nutrients through their diet.

Rash along the scalp line, on the face and hair loss

A scaly rash with redness, which usually appears along the scalp or on the face, as well as increased hair loss can be signs of a B7 or biotin deficiency. While the body can store vitamins such as A, D, E and K, it cannot store large amounts of B vitamins, which are water-soluble.

Tingling in hands and feet

A feeling of stiffness, temporary loss of sensation and tingling in the hands and feet are most often a sign of a lack of folic acid, i.e. vitamin B9, as well as vitamins B6 and B12. They are directly related to the peripheral nervous system, and their deficiency causes disturbances, as well as a disorder manifested in anxiety, depression, anemia and fatigue.

If you lack several vitamins and minerals at the same time, it is best to choose complexes that provide all essential vitamins and minerals from food.

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