How to avoid the destructive gray zone

You can't do everything at a certain moment, so decide what takes priority
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career, gray area (Newspaper)
career, gray area (Newspaper)
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.
Ažurirano: 12.04.2015. 13:58h

The gray zone indicates a state in which you take care of work when you are at home, and at work you think about home and family challenges. Many people function in this way, however, this habit should be changed.

Less effective

If you're stuck thinking about your private life in a business environment, you won't be able to focus on work.

No motive

The gray zone is mentally exhausting and drains energy. It adds stress to life, leaving many people feeling listless and unmotivated to explore new options.

Relationship problem

If you think too much about work at home, the household will probably be understanding for a while, but if you overdo it, the relationship between you will become worse.

How to get rid of that habit? It is important that you become aware of the fact that this is a problem.

Take breaks

If you think about one thing non-stop, it is natural that saturation will occur and the brain will subconsciously start switching thoughts. Most people have the ability to concentrate for 45 minutes. Remember your school days and organize your working day in the same way, with small and large breaks.

Nothing after 19pm

This is especially important if you have the opportunity to work from home. Set boundaries, because otherwise you will fall into a vicious circle where you do a lot and do little.

No weekend work

One weekend may break, but if finishing projects on the weekend is becoming a habit, then something needs to change.

Other important things

Besides work and family, you must have other things that are important to you. These may be the most important things, but by no means should they become the only ones. You have to develop your social life, hobbies, spirituality, etc. In this way, you will have more will and you will dedicate yourself to your family and work in a better way.

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