From carrying heavy bags to driving in a car with the windows down – you are often not even aware of all the daily habits that are dangerous to your health.
We drive a car with the windows open
Although it can be quite tempting, it is not really recommended on major roads because this way we expose ourselves to harmful substances from the environment, moreover, we pick up as much as 45 percent of the pollution that would normally be picked up during 24 hours. Instead of driving with the windows down, air out the car before driving.
We carry heavy bags
Females are known for carrying bags with 'nothing missing'. Do you really need all these things? Carrying a bag that is too heavy will take its toll on your health, causing cramps, disc degeneration, neck problems, arthritis and poor posture.
We practice too long
You think you'll benefit more if you stay on the machines as long as possible. However, this can be counterproductive. Excessive exercise can lead to abnormal hormonal changes (which can promote weight gain), weaken the immune system, damage muscles, and cause knee and back injuries. It's important to exercise, but don't overdo it.
We don't sleep enough
Most of the time, it seems to us that the day is too short for all that we have to do during the time we are awake or at work. It is easiest to subtract from those 8 hours that are intended for sleep and that is where you "save". However, not only will insufficient sleep make us uglier, slower, but it can leave serious health consequences and increase the risks of heart attack and stroke. Set a bedtime and stick to it, get at least 7 hours of sleep.
We don't weigh ourselves
If we don't see that we've gained weight, then it didn't even happen!? Everyone's weight naturally varies and you should not panic if you have exceeded a few kilograms, but if you have gained more than five kilograms it is time to take action. Checking your weight regularly is important in order to react in time - a few extra kilos are much easier to lose than ten accumulated.
We worry too much
We worry about the meeting, whether we have taken out the trash, whether we have fed the cat, whether we will be able to pick up the children - and it can get to us at some point. Stress can be stimulating, but too much stress is not good for health. Endless worries lead to stress that causes headaches, high blood pressure, nausea, chest pains and sleep problems. When you start to panic about worrying too much, ask yourself a few things and be honest. Are you going to worry about it in a couple of weeks? Can this problem be simply solved? If you can't solve it, tackle it. If you learn how to manage stress, you'll be on your way to a more beautiful, healthier life.
We stop drinking the medicine before the end of the therapy
As soon as we start to feel better we stop taking the medicine and then suddenly we start to feel even worse. Depending on the medication you are taking, stopping can have a variety of health consequences, from mild to serious.
Abruptly stopping the medication can cause headaches, return the disease or cause some attacks depending on the disease. Therefore, take the medicine until the doctor tells you that you can stop.
Do not floss
When it comes to oral hygiene, dental floss is a key component, but also a step that many skip because they don't feel its effects directly. You should make it a habit because if bacteria find their way into your bloodstream, you can develop chronic inflammation and increase your risk of stroke, stroke, cancer, and premature birth in pregnancy. The cosmetic component is another obvious reason.
We skip breakfast
Skipping breakfast is like driving a car with low gas - everything will be fine at first, but eventually you slow down and stop. Not only will you have less energy, but skipping breakfast is linked to a higher risk of diabetes and can lead to obesity as the body tries to store more fat. Eat breakfast to be happier, more functional and most of all, healthy.
We drink hot water from the tap
Scientists warn that hot tap water can lead to poisoning. Lead can enter the water from corroded water pipes. Although scientists point out that the risks of lead poisoning are small, it is recommended that you always drink water from a cold tap.
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