There are more and more doubts that indicate that simply being a man already brings with it significant health problems: a woman will live an average of 5,4 years longer than a man. A woman's lifetime risk of getting cancer is one in three, and a man's is one in two. More than half of heart attacks in women occur after the age of 70; most men are dead by age 74.
In most unhealthy and dangerous behaviors, men have always fared worse than women. Men are less likely to reduce salt in their food when they know they have high blood pressure. They are less likely to self-examine their testicles than women are to palpate their breasts.
Men sleep less, brush their teeth less conscientiously, are exposed to the sun longer, use less sun protection products, eat more fatty foods and have breakfast less often than women. Overall, men live shorter lives than women, dying before their time. However, is premature death really inevitable?
Half health care
Men go for regular annual examinations half as often as women. Millions of men, especially those over the age of 50, do not go for necessary and vitally important screenings, such as those for skin, prostate and colon cancer. There are many who do not take care of their diet, exercise, body weight, smoking and alcohol. There are those who do not know their blood pressure or blood cholesterol.
After the age of 50, men have a XNUMX percent chance of experiencing problems with erectile dysfunction. A conscientious doctor will try to find out the possible hidden causes of the patient's impotence, such as untreated diabetes, hypertension, excessive amounts of alcohol or chronic depression.
The reasons why men suffer from heart disease more often and earlier are not fully explained. However, compared to women, men have a lower level of HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood, which protects against heart disease.
The perception is that men are more physically active than women, however, the reality is that women exercise healthier than men. In addition, men are less physically active in daily household chores. Furthermore, men are less likely to follow a proper healthy diet than women and take fewer vitamins.
The way to a healthier life
Men, relax: good health does not require a strenuous and boring lifestyle. All it takes is a little extra involvement and education.
Being on the move
Regular exercise can increase the body's energy and help prevent a number of diseases, such as heart disease, depression, etc.
Proper nutrition
This means eating a low-fat diet, lots of vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products and whole grains.
Regular check-ups with the doctor
Until the age of 40, a regular checkup with a doctor should include blood pressure control, blood cholesterol (good and bad), blood sugar, as well as an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Men over the age of 50 are expected to have a colonoscopy (colonoscopy) and a prostate exam (PSA and digital rectal exam).
Men under the age of 40 must feel their testicles once a month and see if there have been any changes in shape, size, the appearance of any lumps, etc. Testicular cancer can almost always be cured if caught early.
Men of all ages should examine their skin for possible changes on it (unusual growths, changes in the size, shape and color of moles, etc.), which may be an early sign of a malignant tumor.
Supplements and tablets
There are people who succumb to the idea that if we take nutritional supplements, we can easily consume unhealthy, fast food and still be healthy. Today, millions of people greedily swallow vitamin pills every day.
People are told that these pills are loaded with antioxidants, useful substances in the fight against disease, that they will replace the depleted reserves of nutrients in the body, slow down aging, balance hormones and prepare the body for pregnancy.
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