People who discovered the charms of exercise and the complete impact of activity on life, on the other hand, long ago turned their activities into a routine, such that no matter how crowded it is with obligations, their daily schedule still contains a separate time for exercise.
In order for you to be one of those people who looks at exercise with different eyes, not only as a painstaking obligation, a way of wasting time and the like, simply apply the following tips:
1. Train effectively
Choose the method of training that suits you best and that you can perform with the least possible preparation. If you don't have enough time, choose high-intensity training sessions, which are very effective regardless of the fact that they only take a few minutes. Weight training, cycling, running are all good exercises, it's just a matter of your choice.
2. Figure out what you like and don't like
There are people who hate running, while others enjoy it. If you don't enjoy something, just forget about it and find an activity that you like and that suits you. Don't hesitate to experiment with different forms of exercise until you find something that works for you.
3. Use competition as motivation
When it comes to success at work, collaboration is the key to success. However, when you are trying to motivate yourself to exercise, then a competitive mood is exactly what you need. Set yourself goals and push yourself beyond the limits to stay in the game.
4. Make a schedule and stick to it
One of the most common reasons for missing training lies in the problem of lack of time and being overwhelmed by other, more pressing obligations. However, you should look at things this way, if even something unexpected came up, it is still possible to somehow manage it to do at least a shorter training, and it should not even be mentioned that most often things went according to plan, but somehow the time for training slipped away. This is because a detailed plan of how to incorporate training regardless of all the daily obligations was not made before.
5. Track your activity levels
It would be best to write down all the activities done in one training session, so that at the end of the month you get an insight into the progress made and discover the areas that need to be improved. This refers to the training methods, the length of the series (endurance), and especially the weights with which the exercises are performed (strength).
6. Better to choose something than nothing
You don't need an hour or even half an hour to do an effective high-intensity workout. Just a few minutes can be enough to make a big difference, and those few minutes can definitely be taken out of a busy daily schedule. You can also use your own weight for quick yet effective exercises, so the excuse that you don't have equipment nearby can't be accepted.
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