Position and health

It is interesting that everyone has their own "sleeping style" which is very difficult to get rid of. Why do you sleep on your side, back or hugged with a pillow, that is a question for a deeper analysis, but the fact is that every position has good and bad sides.
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Ažurirano: 15.05.2014. 17:23h

The fact is that sleeping on your back is the healthiest for your spine. If you consider that you sleep at least six hours a day (which is a quarter of the day), then it is very important that you do not damage your health during these hours.

Sleeping on your stomach

This can improve digestion, but is only recommended if you have developed the pillow breathing technique. Otherwise, sleeping on the right or left side of the face will make that side more relaxed, wrinkles will appear before time, and the neck will suffer a lot of pressure during the night. Just imagine keeping your head turned to one side all day! Also, this position of the head can cause back pain, because the lumbar part of the spine has no support. However, if you snore and have not yet experienced chronic back and neck pain, try this pose, just choose a very thin pillow.

Fetal position

This position is preferred by 60 percent of people, but the disadvantage of this pose is that in a curled position with the knees together and the chin down, a lot of things are not good for the spine and neck. The more you are curled up, the more you reduce deep breathing, i.e. it is limited. However, sleeping in the fetal position is considered good for people who have snoring problems and for pregnant women. Some psychologists say that people who sleep in the fetal position are more shy and sensitive.

Sleeping on your side with your arms next to your body

This position of the body during sleep provides the best support for the spine, keeping it in a proper and natural position. In this way, the pain in the back is reduced and there are fewer chances of stopping breathing for a short time (apnea). The disadvantage of this pose is that it contributes to faster aging of the skin, has a bad effect on digestion, the appearance of wrinkles and breast posture.

Sleeping on your side with your arms at your sides

As in the case of the previous pose, this "style" of sleeping is good for the spine and the force of gravity acts equally on the body. However, sleeping on your side like this can cause pain in the arms and shoulders, and the position in which the arms are still spread out further increases the pressure on the shoulders. Whoever sleeps like this is probably suspicious and approaches life quite rationally.

Right or left side

The side you sleep on also has a great influence on the body and health. If you sleep on your right side, there is a high chance that you will struggle with heartburn, while those sleeping on the left side put pressure on the liver, lungs and stomach, but also reduce the chances of suffering from stomach acid (no pain when swallowing, vomiting, heartburn). However, doctors recommend sleeping on the left side to women in the second state, because this position encourages better circulation of the fetus.

Soldier position

Sleeping on your back with your arms by your side is thought to be the best body position for spine and neck health, provided you don't pile on too many pillows. However, the downside of this pose is snoring and apnea (temporary cessation of breathing).


Sleeping on your back with arms outstretched, whether your arms are above the pillow or not, is great for your spine and doesn't contribute to rapid skin aging and wrinkles. However, the "starfish" position also encourages snoring and causes problems with the return of stomach acid. And if your hands are above the pillow, you create pressure on your shoulders that can lead to pain.

In an embrace with a pillow

No matter what position you sleep in, it is certain that you will meet the morning more rested and with less pain if you spend the night in your arms with a pillow.

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