Types of pain that are not ignored

If the pain comes on suddenly, lasts longer than usual or seems different than usual, it becomes a reason to visit the doctor
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pain, Photo: Shutterstock
pain, Photo: Shutterstock
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Ažurirano: 22.12.2013. 17:17h

Pain warns us that something is wrong. We usually figure out what it's about very quickly. But if the pain appears suddenly, lasts longer than usual or seems different than usual, it becomes a reason to visit the doctor.

Experts warn of seven types of pain that you should not ignore

  • Chest pain

If people could better understand the subtle signals sent by our heart, they could avoid a number of serious problems. Studies have shown that women experience more varied heart attack symptoms than men. There are three universal warnings that something is not right, and both men and women feel them. It is chest pain that does not stop, shortness of breath, and any pain in the upper body that has not occurred before and there is no logical explanation for its occurrence. If you experience any of these three symptoms, call your doctor immediately - don't wait.

  • Very strong headache

A migraine is likely to occur. But if it is not accompanied by other migraine symptoms, a sudden headache can indicate an aneurysm. This abnormal dilation of any vessel, most commonly the aorta, in the brain can leak or rupture, quickly becoming life-threatening and requiring immediate medical attention.

  • Painful 'knocking' in the tooth

There is probably damage to the dental nerve. If you did not repair the damaged tooth enamel in time, the bacteria multiplied and decay occurred. If you're putting off going to the dentist because of fear, remember that it's not just the tooth that's rotting. Bacteria from the teeth spread through the bloodstream and damage the heart and lungs.

  • Sharp pain in the side

If you feel as if something is seriously "screwing" you on the right side of your stomach, you feel nauseous and have a fever, you may have appendicitis. In women, ovarian cysts can also be treated. Cysts are usually not dangerous and disappear on their own, but if they rupture, they cause severe pain. In both cases, an urgent surgical procedure awaits you.

  • Abdominal discomfort

You have been feeling unusually bloated for the past month. Besides, you have no appetite. If it's new symptoms, at worst you have ovarian cancer. Among the early symptoms of ovarian cancer, the American Association of Gynecologists included bloating, pain in the back of the pelvis or abdomen, and problems with appetite. If you feel these symptoms almost every day for more than two or three weeks, make an appointment with a gynecologist and inform the doctor about the observed symptoms.

  • Pain in the back and tingling in the fingers

If you've recently been digging in the garden or moving furniture, you can blame these activities. But if the pain doesn't stop, maybe you should see a physiatrist. If you don't repair the damage, permanent nerve damage could occur.

  • Leg pain and swelling

Your joint is particularly sensitive in a certain place, visibly swollen, red and warmer than the rest of your body. You may have deep vein thrombosis, or a blood clot. Do not massage the area or try to relieve the pain by walking for a long time. If the clot breaks free, it will float away through the veins and may end up in the lungs, cutting off oxygen. See a doctor immediately. A CT scan or ultrasound will show if it is a DVT. If you suffer from this condition, you will receive therapy to dissolve the clot.

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