The most well-known signs of aging are wrinkles on the face and loose skin on the body. However, the signs of aging are evident much earlier in places where we cannot see them - in our body. Are you starting to age on the inside yet? Discover for yourself and see if you recognize yourself in these signs.
Dry mouth
Dry mouth in the morning can be a sign of sleep apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts several times. If you want to know if you have this disorder, answer yourself these questions: do you snore? Do you get grumpy and have a headache? Do you feel tired during the day? Do you fall asleep while reading or watching TV? Do you have problems with memory and concentration? If you answered "yes" to two or more questions, you belong to the risk group of people suffering from apnea. Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to stick to the roof of your mouth and block your airway. This prevents normal air flow. Sleep on your side. You can help yourself with a pillow between your legs to help you stay on your side all night.
Red eyes
Inflamed eyes can be a sign of arthritis - painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. The same cellular process that causes inflammation in the joints can also cause inflammation in the eyes, which causes them to turn red. Research has shown that the sooner you treat arthritis, the better long-term results you will have.
So see your doctor at the first sign of trouble. To avoid or alleviate arthritis, try taking fennel, a plant with a long history of use in traditional and folk medicine. Fenugreek has great anti-inflammatory properties and can really help you.
Dull gray leather
If your skin has lost its luster and appears slightly greyish, there is a possibility that you have kidney problems. The kidneys filter toxins and excess fluid from the blood, which is then excreted in the urine. When chronic kidney failure reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and toxins can accumulate in the body. The "good news" is that kidney problems can cause anemia, which will lead to grayish skin, which is then a warning sign before the situation becomes more serious. If you notice that your skin looks dull and this has been going on for some time, check with your doctor.
Loss of sense of smell
Loss of sense of smell can be an early warning sign of Parkinson's disease. The degenerative nerve disorder usually begins slowly and worsens over time, leading to muscle tremors, slowness of movement, changes in speech, and dementia. You can "catch" the disease at an early stage by testing your sense of smell. Soak the eye stick in alcohol and start bringing it to the nose, starting from the navel. If you can smell when the stick is eight to 12 centimeters from your nose, your sense of smell is fine. But if you have to get the stick closer to less than four centimeters, see a doctor and check your condition.
Lack of hair on the legs
Although our culture encourages women to get rid of all body hair, bald legs or toes are a warning sign of vascular disease that can lead to strokes and heart attacks! Beneath the skin are hair follicles that are kept alive by blood. When you gain weight, cholesterol levels rise over time and plaque builds up in the arteries, leading to blockages. As a result, the follicles die and the hair disappears. Do you have hair on your legs and toes? If the answer is negative, see a doctor. If you want to act preventively, eat healthy and exercise regularly, T portal writes.
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