The latest American research revealed that the biggest obstacle to introducing a healthy and balanced diet into our lives is work, that is, due to our obligations at work, we cannot manage to prepare and eat healthy meals.
More than 50 percent of people admit that they are too busy to prepare and consume healthy meals, so for these reasons they decide on more caloric and unhealthy fast food.
It is known that the modern way of life forces us to always be in a hurry, so the diet of employees is mostly based on sandwiches and bakery products, which are eaten at the work desk, while we do other work on the way.
Too many obligations also cause people to skip breakfast more often or combine it with lunch, which is done by a third of people, and it is shocking that even a fifth of them skip both lunch and breakfast. Because of this, they often reach for unhealthy snacks, and when they get home they eat much more than they need.
More than 16 percent of people regularly have dinner after eight o'clock in the evening, and nutritionists warn that such meals interfere with good sleep.
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