Healthy fats, saturated and unsaturated, which are full of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and other fruits reduce the risk of cancer, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, serve to protect blood vessels and promote wound healing. They are also advised to those who engage in strenuous physical work.
Nuts are a must
If you consume walnuts, you will increase the level of good cholesterol and reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammatory processes, harmful to arteries, new research has proven. They also help in the restoration of broken bones. You can put sliced walnuts in salads, euro cream and cakes.
Almonds are high in calories but...
New research has shown that the special fibers contained in almonds disable the absorption of fats. Experts have shown that after consuming almonds, satiety is maintained for a long time, so the desire to eat will be reduced to a minimum.
You will not gain weight from almonds, regardless of their calories. One handful of almonds every day provides 40 percent of the daily need for vitamin E, a perfect antioxidant that is an ideal prevention against Alzheimer's disease.
Peanut balances sugar
Peanuts are not stone fruits at all, but legumes, like beans and peas. Peanuts help the body regulate blood sugar levels.
Pistachios for sight
Scientists recommend them because they have a lot of vitamin C, carotene, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Pistachios are perfect for hair, vision, skin, blood vessels, kidneys and for strengthening immunity. Eat them as snacks.
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