Here's how the speed at which you eat and breathe affects your health

The above symptoms are an indication that you are breathing through your mouth, instead of breathing properly through your nose. Because of this, doctors warn, there is a drop in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which manifests itself through spasms, which often occur in the intestines.
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Ažurirano: 26.11.2011. 11:01h

Research recently conducted by scientists from New Zealand has shown that the pace at which we perform certain activities, such as eating, breathing, drinking alcohol or walking, affects our health and life expectancy.

If you eat too fast

Eating too fast is a problem faced by a large number of people, especially due to a fast-paced lifestyle, but it is one of the main reasons for obesity, as well as other gastro problems.

"Nerves send signals to the brain to tell the stomach to expand." At the same time, ghrelin, the hunger hormone produced as the stomach empties, stops being released. From the moment you start eating, it takes about 20 minutes for the appetite-suppressing message to reach the brain," explains Ian MacDonald, professor of metabolic psychology at the University of Nottingham.

"The explanation is simple - if you eat too fast, you're likely to overeat. And eating too quickly increases the risk of heartburn, gas and a general feeling of discomfort, because when we eat quickly, we swallow a large amount of air," adds the professor and advises that in order to properly chew food, each meal should last at least 20 minutes.

If you breathe too fast

Doctors point out that healthy people breathe 10 to 14 times in one minute, but some breathe more than 20 times, which leads to shortness of breath and symptoms such as tingling in the fingers and around the lips, rapid heartbeat, fatigue and poor concentration. .

The above symptoms are an indication that you are breathing through your mouth, instead of breathing properly through your nose. Because of this, doctors warn, there is a drop in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which manifests itself through spasms, which often occur in the intestines.

In order to prevent these occurrences and control your breathing, it is recommended that you pay attention to the number of breaths you take while resting, and that if you breathe more than 20 times a minute and at the same time feel some negative symptoms, visit a doctor to do a lung examination and a blood test.

If you drink alcohol too quickly

Drinking alcohol too quickly increases the risk of losing consciousness. Also, binge drinkers are more likely to drink more than their body can process.

Experts point out that, as a rule, we can process 10 ml of alcohol in an hour, but note that everyone processes alcohol at a different speed, depending on physical structure, gender, and even ethnic origin. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat something before consuming alcohol.

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