When it comes to reducing stress levels, the food we eat really plays an important role. Foods that reduce stress help regulate blood sugar levels, which is why they really have a beneficial effect.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, contain folic acid, which stimulates the release of dopamine, a chemical compound that elevates mood and reduces stress levels. Research has shown that those who regularly consume green leafy vegetables are happier and have a lower risk of depression. Green leafy vegetables, according to the results of research by American scientists, reduce the level of stress hormones very quickly after consumption.
Turkey breast
Turkey breast is an excellent source of tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the production of serotonin, a chemical compound that regulates appetite and promotes good mood. Tryptophan has a calming effect on the body. When scientists compared people taking tryptophan supplements to those taking a placebo, they found that tryptophan undoubtedly reduced levels of the stress hormone. In addition to turkey breast, you can find tryptophan in nuts, seeds, beans and eggs.
Oatmeal stimulates the release of serotonin, a compound credited with promoting good mood and reducing stress levels. Stress can cause sudden changes in blood sugar levels, and oatmeal will help regulate it. Complex carbohydrates, found in oatmeal, can help prevent snacking cravings.
Yogurt contains probiotics, good bacteria found in the digestive system. The state of the digestive system directly affects the mood and functioning of the brain. One study showed that people who consume yogurt daily have a lower risk of depression and cope better with stress.
When you are under stress, the level of adrenaline and cortisol hormones starts to increase drastically. Omega 3 fatty acids found in salmon have an anti-inflammatory effect and can help neutralize the negative effects of stress hormones. One study showed that people who consume an adequate amount of omega 3 fatty acids have a 20% lower level of stress hormones.
When you are stressed, chronic inflammation starts to build up in your body. The antioxidants and phytonutrients in blueberries help your body defend against the damaging effects of elevated stress hormone levels. Scientists have also found that people who frequently consume blueberries have stronger immunity, and stronger immunity means a better defense of the body against the harmful effects of stress hormones.
Pistachios are a perfect substitute for unhealthy snacks. Also, they have an excellent effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of pistachios can reduce stress, regulate blood pressure and heart rate. They contain a number of nutritional compounds and phytonutrients that have excellent antioxidant properties.
Dark chocolate
Regularly enjoying a few cubes of dark chocolate can help regulate stress hormone levels. It is important that chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa because then it will regulate cholesterol and blood pressure levels, stimulate circulation and relax blood vessels. Dark chocolate promotes a good mood and reduces the risk of depression.
Fortified skim milk is an excellent source of vitamin D, a nutritional compound that promotes good mood. People who consume an adequate amount of vitamin D have a lower risk of developing depression. Some other foods that also contain vitamin D are salmon, eggs, mushrooms and fortified cereals.
Flax, sunflower or pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium. Increasing magnesium intake can help prevent depression and reduce stress levels. Magnesium can help relieve chronic fatigue and irritability. Some research has shown that magnesium can help relieve PMS symptoms.
One portion of asparagus meets 60 percent of our daily needs for folic acid. They are rich in glutathione, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Protodioscin is a plant substance found in asparagus that contributes to bone health, has anti-cancer effects, enhances sexual desire and erection, and we should not forget that a drop in libido is a common sign of stress.Antistress meal
This meal is best consumed in the evening to relax. Take brown rice, add blue fish, vegetables, add garlic and herbs. For one meal, 60 g of dry measured integral rice and 200 g each of fish and vegetables are enough. You can eat green salad with this. Season the meal with garlic, herbs, parsley, dill, olive or sesame oil. You can sprinkle the salad with toasted sesame and sunflower seeds.
Another option is pasta with avocado. Mix the avocado flesh with a little low-fat cheese, add garlic and blend everything. Strain the boiled wholemeal pasta and pour the avocado mixture over it.
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