Eating two teaspoons of salt a day can damage your heart, scientists warn.
Intake of more than 3,73 grams of sodium (equal to two teaspoons of salt) is associated with enlarged heart chambers. Such an intake of salt strains the heart and speeds up the beats, and affects the body to retain water. Because of this, blood pressure increases, and it affects the heart, arteries, kidneys and brain, which leads to heart attacks and strokes and kidney disease.
The US Centers for Disease Control and England's National Health Service recommend that adults consume no more than one and a half teaspoons of salt per day, even in boiled or baked foods.
Harvard researchers analyzed the relationship between sodium intake and heart problems in 2.996 people with an average age of 49 years. The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, writes the Daily Mail.
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