For a normal and productive life, an individual must be healthy - mentally and physically. Anxiety represents a big obstacle to this, and it usually arises from fear or hope that we want something unattainable, current life problems, and it torments and presses us from the inside.
When the feeling of panic and anxiety takes over your body, try to suppress anxiety with the help of these simple techniques.
Do push-ups
Push-ups are the best way to take your mind off mental anxiety and get enough blood flowing through your body to make it easier for you. Push-ups make us stronger, not only physically, but also allow us to think more soberly because of the accelerated blood circulation through our brain. When you start doing them, you will think less about your problems, which will reduce your anxiety.
Take a deep breath
When you feel yourself facing panic and you think you won't be able to deal with it, take a couple of deep breaths. Come up with some rational plan and come up with an action that will make you not think negatively and let the panic take over. Take a breath, sit quietly for a few minutes, listen to just about every noise around you, because that way you will divert your thoughts from the problem. Breathe deeply until you feel calmer.
Ride a bike
It may sound silly, but it really helps. Not only is cycling a form of exercise, it puts you into a rhythmic exercise pace. As you drive through the parks, you bond with nature, which helps you find peace, reports B92.
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