Two non-governmental associations, "Ladovina" from Nikšić and "Fluid Drum" from Tivat, launched the first Montenegrin Board Games League in January this year, and as they said in the announcement, four board games of varying difficulty will be played in their premises every month.
"The league was launched with the aim of connecting people across Montenegro, lovers of the somewhat neglected art of board games. The initiators and participants of the league are the founders and members of the board game club Ladovina from Nikšić, Vukobalot from Tivat and the legendary club Brljok from Podgorica, who were joined by young enthusiasts, as well as experienced players from many other cities in our country. The league started in January 2025 and will have something for everyone - from well-known classics to modern, new and popular strategy and party games. Four games are played every month, balanced from easy to more demanding games," they announced in a statement.
"Competitive games will be played in the premises of the 'Ladovina' and 'Vukobalota' clubs, but also wherever the competitors themselves agree. In this way, we achieve one of our important goals - connecting and expanding the community of players. The driving force of this initiative is based on the desire to revive this form of entertainment, sport and socializing, but also the fact that board games are much more than that, they bring people together, positively stimulate our minds and create lifelong connections," the announcement adds.
"Board games encourage communication, creativity, cooperation and teamwork. Young people learn how to express themselves effectively, listen to others and work together towards a common goal. These activities help develop empathy and understanding of different perspectives, increase mental abilities, encourage logical thinking, decision-making and problem solving," the organization points out, adding that one of the advantages of this activity is connecting generations.
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