Here's how to treat rheumatism with herbs

Rosemary and green tea are good body cleansers, and they also help destroy free radicals. Regular exercise is also recommended, because it prevents weight gain, the heart gets used to the effort and the breathing capacity increases
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shoulder pain, Photo: Shutterstock
shoulder pain, Photo: Shutterstock
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Ažurirano: 28.02.2017. 13:14h

Even if you are somewhat used to pains that radiate dully in your joints, especially with the arrival of colder days, you can help yourself with teas and by paying attention to what you eat.

Cold and wet days are often accompanied by pain in the back, neck, hips, groin and knees. They appear when walking, and when working hard, even during rest and in the morning as soon as you get up.

The causes can be numerous, and the most common are inflammation, long sitting or lying down, worn cartilage of the joints, genetic inheritance, and obesity. The first step to maintaining bone health is a balanced diet. Those prone to rheumatic complaints should avoid wheat, corn, milk and dairy products, meat, fish, refined sugar, animal fats, industrially processed foods, potatoes, blue tomatoes, peppers, pepper, alcohol, coffee and cocoa.

Meat contains the largest amount of purines, toxic and nitrogenous substances that create large amounts of uric acid that the kidneys cannot excrete and that goes to the joints.

What to eat

Foods that help are garlic, fish oil capsules, vegetable fibers, foods that melt excess pounds, oils rich in vitamin E (from soybeans, wheat germ, olive and flax).

With chronic rheumatism, mild domestic white wine helps, but not red wine, because it causes loss of minerals and calcium. Brewer's yeast is rich in vitamin B, while walnuts, almonds and dry beans are loaded with magnesium.

Herbal therapy

The aloe plant (Aloe vera L.) is excellent in the treatment and prevention of rheumatic ailments.

Its juice is particularly effective: Cut off the lower leaves, chop into cubes, peel off the skin, put in a little water, then drink 4 teaspoons each in the morning.

Honeysuckle, or lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis L.) soothes pain and inflammatory processes, and is also diuretic and rids the body of toxins.

Rastvic (Equisetum arvense L.) has a remineralizing effect, it is especially rich in silicon (improves flexibility and elasticity of joints).

Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is full of minerals, and you can also drink its juice. To eliminate uric acid in those who eat meat, it is recommended to drink birch sap, especially at the turn of the seasons.

Rosemary and green tea are good body cleansers, and they also help destroy free radicals. Regular exercise is also recommended, because it prevents weight gain, the heart gets used to the effort and the breathing capacity increases.

Swimming in sea water is good due to the richness of trace elements that penetrate the body and contribute to the elasticity of the joints.


A mixture of parsley, willow, nettle...

IT IS REQUIRED: 30 g of white willow, 30 g of parsley root, 30 g of nettle leaves and 10 g of birch buds. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture and boil it in 200 ml of water, in a covered container. Let it stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink as hot as possible.

In case of joint inflammation

IT IS REQUIRED: 30 g of artichoke roots and 1 l of water. Soak the artichoke and heat the water until it boils, then immediately remove it from the heat and leave it for 1 hour. Drink a few spoonfuls before meals, 3 times a day.

This amount is enough for two weeks.

For joint pain

Put 5 spoons each of crushed wild chestnut flower (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) and blue lilac flower (Syringa vulgaris L.) into a liter bottle, pour hot mint, close and let it stand for 20 days in a warm place, with frequent shaking, then strain and apply affected joints 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes until you feel a burning sensation, then wash with lukewarm water, rub with wine vinegar, and wrap with a dry woolen cloth.

The therapy lasts 10 days.

For stronger bones

Put 2 g of dry and chopped rosehip (Rosa canina L.) fruits with seeds and 600 g of yellow sugar in 170 liters of komovica, let it stand for 15 days, then strain, add a little water, and drink 1 glass before going to bed, reports Avaz.

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