The spinoff of the popular series "Game of Thrones" called "Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" received seven new names in the cast.
This series is based on the novels "Tales of Dank and the Egg" by George RR Martin, which take place in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe and follow the adventures of young Sir Duncan the Tall and King Aegon V Targaryen. The cast of the series already includes Peter Cleffy as Dank and Dexter Sol Ansell as Egg, along with Finn Bennett, Bertie Carvel, Tanzin Crawford, Daniel Ings and Sam Spruell.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the "Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" series has added seven more actors to its cast. Among them is Henry Ashton who will portray Daeron Targaryen, who has "prophetic dreams" and is the son of King Maecar I Targaryen. Other new cast members and characters joining the series include Edward Ashley as Ser Stefon Fossaway, Daniel Monks as Ser Manfred Dondarion, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor as Plummer, Danny Webb as Ser Arlan of Penitry, Sean Thomas as Raymun Fossaway, and Youssef Kerkur as Steel Paint.
With so much experience behind them, the new cast of "The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" should be ready to bring Dank and Egg's world to life. It remains to be seen how Ashton's Daeron Targaryen will be connected to the yet-to-be-seen character of the same name introduced in the House of Dragons series.
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